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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    stay close to me while the sky is falling. || birthing || any
    It was bad enough that Siba was getting bad feelings following rumors she'd heard of a war; she could still feel the restlessness of the land within her bones. Now, on this cold night, she could feel it... something else was happening. At first, she didn't know what, but it rattled her senses. She felt motivated to go investigate the source of it, but was unsure. Should she really try and get herself in trouble by investigating a potentially dangerous situation?

    The filly had definitely inherited her dam's mischievous personality from when she was a foal. Siba knew the answer immediately, despite half of her consciousness screaming at her to find a safer place to stay for the night, rather than the enclosed berry grove where she had a feeling something was happening.

    Siba took a moment to think about the berry grove; it was a nice place filled with delicious berries to eat, despite the thorns threatening to prick her tongue, cheeks, and muzzle when she tried to eat them. Oh well, at least they never got stuck in her skin, and she had to deal with feeling sore for a couple of seconds while enjoying the blueberries she snagged.

    Relying on the light of the moon to guide her, Siba ventured into the grove, keeping an eye out for whatever she was sensing. Soon, a new smell entered her nose, one that she had never smelled before. Curious as to what it was, the filly turned in the direction it was coming from, her blue eye scanning the darkness carefully.

    Sounds of distress echoed in the quiet night, and Siba quickened her step. She reached the source of the smell, but thought for a moment that there could be two situations going on, since the noises had stopped. Was it possible that the two situations were one in the same, and she was just getting more than one weird feeling?

    Siba stayed hidden among the tress lining the grove, as well as using the thickly packed bushes to hide the white patches of her coat. Through her limited line of sight, she could see a mare - a dark-coated one - laying on the ground, clearly worn out from something. Then, upon looking closer, Siba noticed the small form of a filly lying on the ground next to the grown mare.

    The painted filly fought the urge to sigh at how cute the little creature was. Instead, she focused on the mare. She couldn't tell much, but she did know the mare had a dark coat. She thought she spotted some small tinges of gray, but it could've just been the moonlight. One feature she could pick out were the wings, given how they made the back appear oddly formed when viewed from a certain angle.

    A dark mare, wings, thought of have tinges of gray...

    Could it be Misra, a mare that her sire had mentioned to her a time or two before? She didn't know much about the mare, but Nymphetamine had described her. Siba wondered if this was the same mare.

    When the new mother let out a call, Siba could only assume she was calling some horse. So, figuring she could help somehow, the mare made herself useful by helping clear a small path into the tightly woven branches so that the foal's father could come meet her.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: stay close to me while the sky is falling. || birthing || any - by Siba - 08-03-2016, 03:12 PM

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