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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  I am the steel no enemy can shatter; any

    all my friends are heathens, take it slow

    She was beginning to feel at home. Odezsa had now made several friends, although half of them probably had no idea the little lady considered them to be that close. She was learning the ways of the land, how to get around, the best places to meet new faces. However, she still had not spent much time in the forest. But that particular day she was delighted to have stumbled in. She had wandered quite a ways from the safety of the Jungle, which was not exactly wise in the weather but she could care less. Winter would be over soon, which saddened her because it was her favorite season. Only because of the anticipation of all the new life and beauty that would emerge with the spring. She loved the cleansing of winter, the death of the old. 

    Odezsa waited patiently as the stranger she'd so boldly addressed seemed to be a little lost in his mind. She could not blame him, what a delightful place to be lost! Nothing was more satisfying to her than feeling as if she was in a magical other world, only to realize she'd constructed the place inside of her own head. Darkness and sorrow never followed her there, only light. She'd never truly felt loss or anything of the sorts, and even if she had she'd find the silver lining. So she could not blame the fellow for being wrapped up in whatever it was he was thinking of. Of course, he didn't quite seem as happily lost as she. She tried to hide her dismay, she hated seeing others in pain.

    Shannirsoran....." The syllables rolled awkwardly off her tongue, as the name was quite a mouthful to her. She smiled warmly and sighed in relief when he offered a nickname. 

    "Shan," she nodded to herself, then back to the scaly critter before her, still keeping her mouth shut as to what was the deal. "It's a beautiful name, even if I struggle with pronouncing it." She added sheepishly. 

    She watched as obvious discomfort seemed to grip his body, followed by the proposition of a walk. The last time she strolled with anyone it had been with Lagertha from the field to the Jungle, a rather tricky and long route that had left her slightly winded. Perhaps a brisk winter stroll would prove more enjoyable. Perhaps a normal female would have made sure the man she was about to prance off with wasn't crazy before following him blindly. But Shan was already moving and Odezsa was not about to let her new friend leave. 

    "Of course!" She chirped, taking a few extra long strides to bring herself in pace with him. 



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    RE: I am the steel no enemy can shatter; any - by Odezsa - 07-31-2016, 02:20 PM

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