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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    she'll turn cold as a freezer; Pevensie, Zilpah, Scorch, diplomats, & any

    Zilpah understands everything; for all her seeming naivete and innocence, she understands the nature of the world, but has never encountered any of its evil. It’s probably better that way, because an evil would rip our Zilpah to shreds. Though she has simple pleasures, she is not simple, in the way that indicates a lack of intelligence. Though she may chatter away like a chipmunk, it is just her way of filling the silence or trying to make a friend.

    Zilpah is quite happy to accompany the Queens to the Jungle (or rather, in her mind, have them accompany her), though as the walk drags on, she kind of wishes they could have flown. Couldn’t Camrynn have magicked Pevensie some wings? Or like.. levitated her or something? After she says to Cam, “yes, I understand. Don’t worry… nobody can get mad at me. And I’m good at keeping others happy,” and throws her a saucy little wink, she continues on in relative silence. Except for the moments when she darts off to talk to some critter, and then casually report what they said to the Queens. ‘Cause that sort of info is important, you know. It’s like reconnaissance. They should know what’s going on around them.

    The ex-princess is probably the plainest of the trio, sporting only a simple pair of red-tailed hawk wings that seem to match her bay coat rather well. But that doesn’t stop her from being the first to speak, if only to get some words in before the higher ups start talking. She stands very proudly, mimicking Yael, and when the first Amazon, and then the second, comes along, she begins their side of the introductions. “Hello! I am Zilpah, and this is Queen Camrynn and Queen Pevensie of the Desert. It’s very nice to meet you! Who are you?” That last bit was directed at the curious filly. “We have come to talk about continuing our kingdom’s relationship…” She starts to say something else, but then suddenly stops, not wanting to get off topic and make a bad impression.

    Nevertheless, her eyes dart around, hoping that somewhere in the leafy greenness, Pharaon or Prague will appear. It would be nice to see them again.


    a song of sand and snow

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: she'll turn cold as a freezer; Pevensie, Zilpah, Scorch, diplomats, & any - by Zilpah - 05-15-2015, 05:04 PM

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