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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Round 2- The First Impression

    Royal Notice

    The morning of your first day comes before you know it and you are awoken by an entire team of palace servants. They usher you off from your private quarters and to the awaiting breakfast that sat on a table off to one side. The spread of pastries, meats, and cheeses was more than you would eat in a week’s worth of morning meals and you realize just how differently you have lived compared to the royalty of your beloved, yet torn, nation. Your team of servants are chatty,, but friendly, and you listen to them chatter on about how excited everyone is, and what the events of the day held in store for you.  By the time you have eaten your fill, they have all left you alone to wash up. You move to the attached bath and look at the size and detail of the room, thrice the size of your largest bathroom at home. Walls are trimmed in gold decals and everywhere there is marble and granite. The tub itself is almost large enough for swimming, or so it seems to you. You stand in awe of this space and get lost in your feelings of that moment. However, you remember  you could meet the heir today so you end up giving yourself the most thorough scrubbing of your life.

    The water feels amazing and you drift off into a series of memories and thoughts. You had never seen the heir in person, nor the royal family, but you knew they had a child about your age. A few years back you had seen a sketch of the entire family - the heir looked like anyone else had at that youthful age, at least from the image - with sandy-colored hair, honey eyes and slightly tanned skin. You wonder how much the Heir had changed, you wonder how much the time had matured the Heir and if you would connect and have a fairytale life like when you played as a kid. A shiver shakes you from your daydream as a breeze caresses your skin; you realize the water has gotten cold.

    Upon finishing your time in the once-warm, perfumed water you wrap yourself in the most plush robe you have ever felt and move to your bag, that had been delivered shortly after your arrival to the room. You shuffle through your belongings, trying to find the outfit that made you feel as if you fit in with the lavish space the most. You had barely gotten yourself together when a knock on the door jerks your head up with a snap. Your heart races and you instantly think of the Heir, you try to gather yourself, and you call for the visitor to enter. The room suddenly filled with activity as a whole other team of people move into your room, some carried boxes upon boxes of  supplies, others carried reams of the most elegant fabric you had seen.  You look down at yourself and then at the whirling mass of people seeing to their tasks. They were palace servants and while their clothes were simple, they were nicer than your nicest outfit. You instantly knew what they were here for… a makeover. Of course you couldn’t meet royalty, or be expected to court royalty when you didn’t look the part. The King and Queen would not have nothing less than the best, and they must have extended that to you, the Selected, as well.

    The next few hours are a blur or measurements, given opinions, and critiques. Some you gave, others were given to you, but by the end, you have a single finished outfit crafted from the first measurement to the very last perfected detail. You also looked different, as the makeover was composed of more than a change of clothing - your hair has been cut and styled; your face primed and painted, and by the time you looked in the mirror you were as glamorous as the theatre stars that acted on the big stages.  You are given a note from the Heir when the tailor is packed and ready to leave, that held the next leg of your journey: the first meeting; a date.

    You were surprised that your first meeting with the Heir would be a date, that you had to plan. Your mind raced to formulate a plan. The note said that you could choose anywhere within palace grounds, except a few private chambers, and a few obviously off limits places such as the treasury, armory, and the watchtowers, and palace guard areas, and that you would have two hours time from start to finish. Dates would start today and go into tomorrow afternoon, with the first eliminations to take place after dinner.  You had been given one of the first dates, you had little time to prepare but your team of servants had just returned, and you had them to help with preparations, so you wasted no time. The time flew by and the guard was there to escort you to the stairs where the Heir, Frances (F)/Francis(M), would meet you at the bottom.  You take a breath and descend the elegant stairs... now it is time to shine.

    PM: The Selection Committee
    or post in Connect

    No eliminations in Round 1, congratulations to all!

    All entries for Round 2 are due Thursday, May 5th, by 4PM EST

    1. Describe your makeover, how does your appearance change? How do you feel through the process?  What type of clothing do you have made (sultry, sweet, unique, fashion forward, remember that it is 1900-1910).

    2. Describe your date decision and how the date goes. Remember you are attempting to woo, charm and catch the Heir’s interest here; you must convince the Heir to keep you around. How do you do this? Seduction? Girl/boy next door? Be a mystery? Etc. The book is wide open and there is no right or wrong way to go here. Be creative and dynamic.

    3.Optional: Since you were one of the first dates, how do you pass the time the next day until the elimination after dinner? You may include interactions between your character, servants, other contestants - but remember it is not interactive, so keep it vague and make up a fellow contestant.

    Helpful Info

    # Remember this is NOT interactive, your story is yours alone, and nothing you do affects anyone else’s quest.

    # You may power play servants, tailors, and the other Selected (NOT the other entries in the quest, just the other contestants that exist within your story).

    # You may powerplay Fraces/Francis (a strong unisex name here, popular in 1900), the Heir, however, there should be no absolute validation given from Heir to your character. You can sense connection/chemistry, and the heir can show strong interest, but it should all be “above the belt,” though the committee doesn’t frown upon toeing the line-- if your character is attempting to seduce.

    #The prompt was written to fit the majority of the storylines. If your storyline doesn't match, make small edits where needed. For example, Besra wasn't led to private chambers but to a temporary group lodging area. So Besra can have her team wake her in the group area then lead her to her private chambers so the prompt fits her story. Ask if you are unsure about this, we'll gladly clarify.

    #Your post should end at the gathering for the elimination, after dinner.

    #This is a writing/elimination quest. The Selection Committee will be looking at your effort in drafting a creative story, full of vivid imagery and detail that helps us envision your story, fluidity from round to round, and how well you react to the challenges ahead. (Please note The Selection Committee will not be looking at grammar or writing structure.) 

    #The kingdom, Illea, is in an alternate universe some things that occur here may not be possible in our reality but  here they are normal. Again, everything you see here should seem mostly normal to you (except for the announcement of the selection). 

    #Illea has limited technologies/luxuries. For the most part, you can assume you would have the luxuries/technology of working/middle-class people in the 1900-1910's. 

    #The palace/castle interior is mostly based off of Buckingham Palace, for assistance in descriptions. The picture in the HTML is representative of the exterior. 

    ~~~As always, please contact The Selection Committee with any questions. Best of Luck!~~~

    Messages In This Thread
    Round 2- The First Impression - by The Selection Committee - 04-30-2016, 11:17 PM
    RE: Round 2- The First Impression - by Kirin - 05-03-2016, 10:37 AM
    RE: Round 2- The First Impression - by Topsail - 05-04-2016, 07:06 PM
    RE: Round 2- The First Impression - by Kirke - 05-05-2016, 12:42 AM
    RE: Round 2- The First Impression - by Besra - 05-05-2016, 02:10 AM
    RE: Round 2- The First Impression - by Kagerus - 05-05-2016, 03:01 AM
    RE: Round 2- The First Impression - by Nixie - 05-05-2016, 09:11 AM
    RE: Round 2- The First Impression - by Lagertha - 05-05-2016, 01:21 PM
    RE: Round 2- The First Impression - by Cerva - 05-05-2016, 02:44 PM
    RE: Round 2- The First Impression - by Heartfire - 05-05-2016, 02:54 PM
    RE: Round 2- The First Impression - by Blazed - 05-07-2016, 01:40 PM

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