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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Ad.jec.tive: Gregarious


    What the truth is, I can't say anymore

    Recruiting, he feels, is somewhat beneath him. Not in the manner that you would assume, of course, but in the way that you had to go about it - carefully, so as not to step on toes or wound another’s pride. Lupei isn’t exactly mindful when he opens his mouth, therefore he’s kept a wide berth from the field. But Dacia is here - he can smell her close by - and he needs to see her, to talk to her. His secret had become too large to hide in the wilds of Beqanna, and for once in his life he needed his siblings help. Besides, he supposes she’ll want to know that she’s officially become an aunt. He’s in his wolf form now; it’s much easier to be a wolf than to be a horse. Of course, being an incredibly thick-furred, black, blue-eyed one with a lion tattoo isn’t what you’d call ‘flying under the radar’, but this body suits him better when he’s hunting down a specific target. His inky nose has never led him astray.

    But it’s the field. It’s open, and there are literally groups of prey animals lazing about. A large wolf lurking at the borders of this area won’t be welcomed. With a huff, he changes, curling inward before bubbling outward, twisting and reshaping before smoothly shedding one skin for another. Practice had worn away the pain of the shift, perhaps in old age it would return. But he’s still young, still fresh and vivacious and wholly stallion now. If his wolf body hadn’t been the thing to give him away, his horse pelt surely would. Mint green, a color that runs rampant across half his body, bleeding slowly to a teal that covers his hard belly and legs. Not to mention the fact that he’s completely bald - not a single hair to sport on his neck or tailbone. One look and the image of him would stay with you for years.

    But he likes his individuality. Revels in the notion that out there, even in the great expanse of Beqanna, there is no duplicate of himself. So, as he stretches his legs into a ground-eating trot, there’s an unmistakeable hint of pride with each footfall. Lupei, the wolf. Lupei, the seafoam wonder. Lupei, the fire wielder. A smirk tugs against his lips. There’s plenty to choose from, but he’s not looking for just anyone. It’s not until his eyes dart to an oddly-marked stallion and an equally appealing mare that he makes his choice. Introductions on his part would be rough, but Killdare was King now, and his word was Lupei’s duty. Recruit, regardless of status.

    “Hey yourself.” He calls out, hearing the clippings of the black brute’s speech. He would flick his tail, if he could, in hopes to brush away the tense air around them, but he can’t, so he settles for clicking his tongue aloud instead. “Beautiful weather, wouldn’t you agree?” He jokes, eyes glancing between them. “Spring is always a favorite season of mine.” He tells them, a wicked smile toying with his mouth. “Lupei, at your service.” The oddity exclaims, head nodding briefly. But he remembers that he’s not here to mess around, even though the idea seems incredibly appealing to him. He focuses on the mare, eyes never straying from her bold face. “What brings you to the Field?”

    OOC: not sure if this was a thread for strictly the both of you, but if you'd like me to remove this post then let me know! Just couldn't help popping him in here Smile

    Messages In This Thread
    Ad.jec.tive: Gregarious - by Sayden - 04-06-2016, 02:42 AM
    RE: Ad.jec.tive: Gregarious - by Chemdog - 04-06-2016, 08:26 AM
    RE: Ad.jec.tive: Gregarious - by Lupei - 04-06-2016, 12:42 PM
    RE: Ad.jec.tive: Gregarious - by Sayden - 04-06-2016, 11:31 PM
    RE: Ad.jec.tive: Gregarious - by Chemdog - 04-07-2016, 07:01 AM
    RE: Ad.jec.tive: Gregarious - by Lupei - 04-08-2016, 03:39 AM
    RE: Ad.jec.tive: Gregarious - by Sayden - 04-08-2016, 10:50 PM
    RE: Ad.jec.tive: Gregarious - by Chemdog - 04-14-2016, 07:39 AM
    RE: Ad.jec.tive: Gregarious - by Lupei - 04-14-2016, 01:19 PM
    RE: Ad.jec.tive: Gregarious - by Sayden - 04-15-2016, 07:21 PM

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