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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    And Golden Door Knobs - Kingdoms & Herds

    Well, of course, the bay hadn't sold his kingdom well. He hadn't even meant to speak of his kingdom yet. but apparently his timeline was different than the mares. So he simply looked at the mare as she gave him the verbal lashing and nodded. It was true, he hadn't sold his Kingdom, but he could and would now. "Fair enough, Xiah, though I hadn't truly tried yet, I'd try now if you'd allow it." He paused for a moment to allow her a moment to deny his request. "After the war, we find ourselves in a process of regrowth or reorganization. We value loyalty, and courage and are looking for others who will be willing to work hard to move Chamber, and Beqanna, forward. We are not interested in the way things used to be.

    He looked at Bryn, he knew Bryn didn't fully believe Chamber could change, and he hoped continued interaction would bring him around. He took a back seat as they had a conversation about Tundra. He flicked his eyes back and forth but eventually stopped and lingered on the Unicorn mare. He sensed the unease as she tore herself away from the Tundra man. and the younger version of himself was right there with her. He remembered the feeling of not being able to return home, albeit for different reasons- the feeling was not easily overcome. He watched her side-up next to him, and he wished he could comfort her more. He may be quick to use sarcasm, but he was gentle and caring underneath it all. She was young and the idea of home was important to her, she obviously wanted that b her reaction just a moment ago. The tall lanky bay reached over to Xiah's neck, it was slow and he stopped just before touching her if she wanted the comfort she could lean into it. He hoped she would sense his want to help from the simple gesture. Her words fell hard and tough. and he looked at Bryn, there was a sadness to this recruitment. The normal pride was not there, as the circumstances were different. "I'll make sure she's safe Brynmor." He knew the girl didn't truly need his protection, but he felt the need to assure the grey stallion as it was not a happy farewell. The words were not said for her, but for the other. A small nod was given and Nymph let the sadness show to the tundra man, the situation was not ideal.

    With that, he moved off toward Chamber with the dark unicorn by his side. After a few stride he spoke softly to the mare, "I am sorry you can not go home, maybe Chamber can offer you a new home in time..." His tone was soft and parental. He truly understood her need for a home and hoped she would allow chamber the chance to make a new place in her heart. Not replacing her childhood home, but offering a home in a different place within her heart. Internally he made a note to ask Killdare about ambassadors for Chamber to its allies. Maybe that would be a way the girl could be of use...but only time would tell.


    in my heart, that barless prison
    discolours all with tunnel vision

    [Image: nymphetamine_zpsmlx48otf.gif]

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    RE: And Golden Door Knobs - Kingdoms & Herds - by Nymphetamine - 04-03-2016, 05:23 PM

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