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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the babe with the power {open}

    Jason didn’t like that Voudou wouldn’t look directly at him. Her eyes steadily watched the blank space between them. It took everything in Jason to not place his nose beneath her chin and lift her gaze. He wished to convey his belief that she could be whatever she wished to be. She could even become what Jason hoped for. He didn’t desire to change her and place her on a pedestal. He didn’t want a mare to blindly follow orders or bare children. Jason simply believed that the mare could become much more than she ever though. She could still be the mischievous one, the one who brought excitement to the land. She could be that alongside being a good friend, lover, and enchantress.

    Finally Voudou turned and faced Jason, and he met her eyes with his own tender ones. She offered the choice of where to go to Jason with one simple caveat, which was that they were to go somewhere quiet. It was after this stipulation that Voudou referred to Jason as her one friend (or so he hoped she was talking about him). Jason’s eyes brightened at the notion for he certainly considered her to be more than just an acquaintance.

    Jason did not miss the once over. He watched her as she examined him once more and as she did so he straightened up and lifted his head to better show off his features. Jason was strong, well toned, but hidden beneath was an unyielding spirit. Soon Voudou edged closer to him and he stayed still as her gentle breath blew into his ears. The warmth of her voice wove through his mane and she whispered once more about the meadow. Jason lightly laughed to himself and drew his head away from her before swaying it back to press his lips to her forehead. Once against her he inhaled her scent and then stepped back. ”Don’t tempt me, I may just take you up on that offer.” He joked- though with the full knowledge that one day he may want to actually fulfill her request. Of course that was only if their friendship developed significantly more.

    ”Well I think the Gates may actually be a good fit. They need someone to pull the sticks out of their ass and add a bit of excitement.” He grinned ”And I would happily like to join you in such a quest. Plus it’s quiet there….and if it doesn’t fit we can leave.” Jason knew that there was no requirement to be “good” to live within the Gates. He also knew that Voudou could easily handle her own if the current members were too rattled by her. Either way she had him and his loyalty and there wasn’t much she could do to change that.

    Messages In This Thread
    the babe with the power {open} - by Voudou - 05-06-2015, 03:26 PM
    RE: the babe with the power {open} - by Jason - 05-06-2015, 07:20 PM
    RE: the babe with the power {open} - by Voudou - 05-06-2015, 08:44 PM
    RE: the babe with the power {open} - by Shaytan - 05-07-2015, 07:56 AM
    RE: the babe with the power {open} - by Jason - 05-07-2015, 09:29 AM
    RE: the babe with the power {open} - by Voudou - 05-07-2015, 11:18 AM
    RE: the babe with the power {open} - by Shaytan - 05-08-2015, 11:26 AM
    RE: the babe with the power {open} - by Jason - 05-08-2015, 01:15 PM
    RE: the babe with the power {open} - by Voudou - 05-08-2015, 03:01 PM
    RE: the babe with the power {open} - by Jason - 05-08-2015, 08:50 PM
    RE: the babe with the power {open} - by Voudou - 05-08-2015, 09:44 PM
    RE: the babe with the power {open} - by Jason - 05-09-2015, 09:49 AM
    RE: the babe with the power {open} - by Voudou - 05-09-2015, 11:24 AM
    RE: the babe with the power {open} - by Jason - 05-09-2015, 12:08 PM
    RE: the babe with the power {open} - by Voudou - 05-09-2015, 01:01 PM
    RE: the babe with the power {open} - by Jason - 05-09-2015, 03:45 PM
    RE: the babe with the power {open} - by Voudou - 05-09-2015, 07:13 PM
    RE: the babe with the power {open} - by Jason - 05-10-2015, 10:57 AM

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