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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Rather Die Than Do It Your Way {open}

    {i learned the voices died with me}
    Her eyes were wide and glowing as she scanned the shadows, searching for the equine that held a scent so strongly in the heavy air.  It was a mare, that much she could tell.  Storm was a bit disappointed, though, as part of her had hoped that she would be able to pass through the area without having to talk to another living creature.  Just having to hold up a conversation with most mares was a mind-numbingly boring activity.  Before she even saw the stranger Storm had decided they would have their little greeting and then Storm would move on.  Chances were that any mare around here was only looking for a home; in her experience it was the stallions that sought out the new mares to be forced into a herd.  

    The cremello mare stood her ground, waiting to see if she would be approached, lest they just go in circles around each other.  Soon enough, a bay-splotched figure crawled into sight.  This newcomer held herself with dignity and strength, and she looked like one who sought out what she needed and ignored the useless gestures that most had become so accustomed to.  Basically, the opposite of what had been expected.  

    Storm snorted at the greeting she was offered, not necessarily in a rude way, more as an acknowledgement of the mare's words.  Chamber... she had heard of the place, though only in passing rumors.  After all, Storm had hardly spent any time in the area, she knew very little of anything around her.  But what she had heard of the Chamber made it sound like a good place for her to be.  It sounded like an area that the naive innocents were to avoid, and that was exactly where she wanted to be.  Still, she could not be sure the rumors were true.  Despite this, she, in her own strange way, respected the 'to-the-point' attitude of the painted mare.  

    Working hard to control her attitude, not wanting to lose an opportunity to live in the only place it sounded as if she would be able to tolerate, the vixen lowered her eyes slightly and looked at the ground, almost ashamed that she had nothing sarcastic to say.  "I'm Storm Dancer." Her voice was rough and grudgingly controlled as if she had been defeated already.  "I assume you are looking for members, though I must admit I know little of the Chamber and what it holds." 

    tags Straia, 407 words.
    notes, ...need to fix my manip there... oh well.

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    RE: Rather Die Than Do It Your Way {open} - by Storm Dancer - 05-08-2015, 09:03 PM

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