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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    we are nothing without each other - initiation for new sisters!

    They announce their names and even as she doesn't catch all of them. She feels almost like she is the last to arrive. How shameful. The lavender mare watchs as the group talks and then she speaks up quietly when the cat looks to her, almost like it was waiting for her to introduce herself. I am Kalamity She feels oddly confused for a moment when the cat does not look away, when infact it continues to stare unblinking, completely still. Predetory almost. This is Arkane She nudged the yearling forward away from its crevace in her side. Her belly already swelling with the second child.

    Looking around she spots her sister its a relieved sigh that echos through her chest. She wasn't alone here. How could she forget that? She knew that she had the best sister in the world and if she thought this place was good for her then it had to be so. As the others repeat she mouths the words as well. To the Jungle I swear my service.If she was any service to begin with. To the best of my ability. To this kingdom, I swear my body and my blood. Well if anything could sound less pleasant then that she couldn't think of it. To my sisters, I swear my loyalty, and my love. Her eyes glimmer as she looks to her true sister. Faintly smiling towards her wondering if she had seen her or not. For all the days of my life Her earnest pleading in her eyes direct to her sister.

    There was nothing that she could do to show how much she cared or thanked her sister for everything that she had done/sacrificed for her. And there was no way that she would ever be able to fully repay her... but mid thought she is interrupted.

    The cat walks up to her predetory in nature. Claws long and sharp. Muscles coiling glossy black with power. Kalamity the whispy voice tingles in her ear just as a pin prickle crawls along her swollen barrel swirling, splitting, curling into a green decoration against her lavender coat.

    The cat brushes against her skin Because of your curiousity. Becuase of your everlasting loyality. You're creature is the otter. You were born for this Kalamity. It touches her once more and she can feel something once mroe this time its in her mind. Tears form in her eyes as she remembers things that had been left in a ever present darkness.

    Turning her face towards Arkane she notices a few things all at once. The silvery otter leaping its way around her hip. The bloody passion flower tucked behind her ear. And most of all the vines on Arkanes neck. The passion flower on the base of her tail. Then crawling along her shoulder a silvery spider makes its way around her daughters body. This was where they were meant to be.

    Destruction and Chaos

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: we are nothing without each other - initiation for new sisters! - by Kalamity - 02-29-2016, 11:28 AM

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