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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    And he went out conquering and to conquer... ROUND II
    Lucrezia watches each of them as they gather around – coming from the different corners of Beqanna. Each one of them is different from the other in the group. Some of them are young or old, mare or stallion. Lucrezia has always been curious and she wonders what has drawn them here and answered to the sound of bells. Was it the lamb that called to them only? The lamb had said they were the chosen ones. What does that even mean? She doesn’t know. The thought of even trying to answer those questions is pointless, not when each of them are already proclaiming their acceptance of this “chosen” fate.

    Her nutmeg eyes are quick to follow to each one as they accept. Lucrezia wonders what makes them accept to this fate, this chosen path of theirs. Do they also have nothing left to lose like she does? Are their lives and thoughts just the same as hers? No, it couldn’t be. Some of them were young, barely newborns out of the womb. Yet, they were moldable just as she was when she was but a filly. Lucrezia shakes her head at those thoughts – her father’s manipulative words, her sister’s lies – and dismissed them. Her eyes travel to the last other horses that accept their fate. However, her eyes remain on the Percheron stallion. “Kreios,” she whispers faintly and her eyes glint with surprise. Lucrezia is stunned by his very presence here; however, her gaze swifts quickly when the world seems to draw to a complete silence.

    The lamb appears again.

    It seems as if the small creature controls her, the mere presence demands her ultimate attention. It does though because the lamb is the reason she is here. Lucrezia was one of the chosen among the thirteen horses. She cannot take her gaze away from the lamb. It watches her closely, reading into the very depths of her soul and what makes her who so is. But who is Lucrezia? And what does the creature see in her? If only she could know what the lamb just saw in her.

    Lucrezia’s eyes are drawn towards the four flat stones scattered in the clearing. She studies the stones with a curious manner. The stones are old, weathered and worn, adorn in different patterns or language that is not part of this world. The ancient symbols remind her of the adventure she went on years ago when the Deserts sought out a new ruler after Yael. The stones fascinate her, however, somewhere in the back depths of her mind, she knows the stones are important and she must be weary of these and the lamb.

    The lamb is then before one of the stones. Wait. Those are not stones, but a seal. Suddenly, the seal shatters. Instinctively Lucrezia shields her face away from the explosion. She feels bits and pieces of the seal’s shards scraping against her skin. It cuts her barely in several places. The wounds were sure to heal, but Lucrezia feels something more in her that they won’t. She breaths in quickly and then turns her eyes back.

    The lamb is gone!
    And then there is silence.

    Laughter then fills the air, echoing and carried on the wings of the wind. Lucrezia’s eyes catch the flash of light and then the second flash. From the trees, she watches a stallion emerge. The stallion’s eyes are a bright yellow, consumed with destructive. Conquest. Conquest. Conquest. Lucrezia hears the rattling of the branches, she feels the dull grass stirring beneath her hooves. And then abruptly, the peafowl mare is consumed by the overwhelming feeling to submit to the stallion. To give up everything she knows and only worship the monster. She can feel his demands, the selfishness to rule, and to bring destruction. Her eyes then dart to the monsters behind him. Lucrezia knows the beasts by name because they are from her land. However, these are monstrous creatures and vastly different from the ones she has seen in Beqanna (some have one eye, spines, and armor).

    “The Seal!” The familiar voice booms loudly with demand. Conquest hisses with rage. Suddenly, Lucrezia realizes that she has brought here for a purpose. She was sent to prevent the escape of this beast and knows that terrible things will happen if he escapes. However, she wonders if all of these others are here for the same reason. Lucrezia knows nothing about them but one things for sure is that she knows she cannot trust them. Her father, Rodrik, had ingrained that information into her well. Lucrezia knows to some to degree her father’s words are true, but as she looks to Kreios she knows that he was someone she could trust.

    Without a word, everyone is off into their own direction.
    Conquest runs after the grey mare with a giant millipede straggling behind him.

    Unsure of what to do for a moment, Lucrezia stands there idly. This was something she didn’t ask for. It wasn’t supposed to be her fate to prevent such a disaster like this to occur or fight against possibly those that would help Conquest escape. No, this was not what she had in mind for her life right now. However, Lucrezia has always been one to never fret if the world needed her. She remembers now that she is brave. I am brave! She tells herself and firmly believes it (even if Yael had been the one who first told her that years ago).

    Her eyes focus at the scene once again, leaving her thoughts in the depths of her mind. Kreios runs after Conquest’s and he becomes lost in the commotion of the monstrous creatures and chaos that has erupted. She springs forward, looking for her childhood friend. Lucrezia wants nothing more in the world to ensure that Kreios is safe. She knows what he once was like as a child – fearful – except he is no longer that way, but she still cares for the well-being of her friend.

    Eventually, she finds Kreios finishing off a fight with a ferret-like creature. She tries to make her way towards him, yelling his name over the commotion. Kreios doesn’t hear her though, instead he is running off after a python that is stalking the green and red filly. Lucrezia runs after Kreios in the direction he went but she is suddenly cut off on the trail by Conquest. The smell of death and festering skin should’ve been a warning when it reached her nostrils so abruptly. It was too late now. “I got you now!” He says with an enjoyable smirk crossing over his features as Lucrezia slams on her hooves and skids forward. Her instinct is quick to defend herself, remembering little of what her father taught her as a filly, and she moves up into an awkward rear stance. Her hooves kick out at Conquest, but he somehow is up before her and sends her flying onto the earth floor and on her back. “FUCK!” She screams out.

    Her vision goes blurry as she slams her head against the solid ground. Lucrezia then feels itchy across her body. She rolls over quickly, looking around for Conquest. He isn’t there anymore. Fool! She tells herself. The itching becomes worst and quickly Lucrezia examines herself. Sore patches of thick, red skin with silvery scales dot her body. Some of the patches are small and some of them are quite large. “Such a fool you are Lucrezia!” She yells at herself as she finishes examining her body and nipping at her new sores. The itching becomes worse and this time it really feels like they are burning. Her joints ache as she gets up. It really feels like her body is going to break down – at least her joints feel stiff.

    The commotion continues around her, but Lucrezia is slow to move. Her body itches, feels like it is on fire, and is way too stiff for her liking. She feels quite useless to help the others now. Maybe she is selfish this way, but that truly isn’t her intention. She scolds herself for even being so useless in this manner and itches at a few of the silvery scales that now have become dry. Some of them are cracking and bleeding.

    Suddenly, she hears a loud roar as she nips at the sores. It’s too close to her. Lucrezia looks up quickly, eyes widening as she sees the bear with armor heading towards her. The bear is only two yards away from her. Lucrezia stumbles back. She wants to scream but her voice isn’t there. Abruptly, Kreios is there to aid her. He slams into the bear and she watches as the bear’s armor slices into his skin. Kreios is quick to move her to safety now as she stands at his left side, blocked from the bear. Kreios is then knocked back and Lucrezia knows this isn’t supposed to happen like this. “You can’t die like this, Kreios!” She yells at herself.

    As Kreios defends himself against the bear that stands over him, Lucrezia quickly lunges forward and leans all her weight onto the bear. Her teeth reach for any skin and rip it from him. The smell of bile and putrid innards expel from the bear and soon enough he collapses. Lucrezia stumbles forward and falls into the heap of the mess. The armor pierces her patchy skin of sores and the innards cling to her like a leech. She coughs at the putrefying smell a couple times.

    Lucrezia then looks around. “Kreios! Kreios! Kreios!” She frantically searches for him, struggling to get up from the mess and tangled in the arms of the dead bear. Her eyes catch sight of him, watching as he stumbles. Lucrezia tries to get up, slipping and sliding as if she was a newborn filly learning how to stand again, but she eventually finds her footing and makes her way to Kreios. She notices he has found a piece of the shard and she smiles. She feels overwhelmed by the events. Lucrezia cannot quite pinpoint what she should feel at this moment. “You saved me, Kreios. Thank you, thank you!” She whispers over and over again.

    She runs her muzzle against his neck, closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath. A moment to breath was what she needed. And when she opens her eyes, the glint of a shard is tangled in Kreios’ mane. Lucrezia laughs softly and grabs the piece of the shard with her teeth. She removes it from his tangled mane and between her teeth while she manages to smile at Kreios.
    html © shelbi | character info: here

    Lucrezia acquired psoriasis when she made contact with Conquest.
    Profile | Detailed Bio | Character Reference

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    RE: And he went out conquering and to conquer... ROUND II - by Lucrezia - 01-17-2016, 07:05 PM

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