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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I won't rot - kingdoms.
    The Golden Princess
    I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale, I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet, Lead her up the stairwell This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town, I was a dreamer before you went and let me down, Now it's too late for you and your white horse to come around.

    She was not one to recruit too often but, simply living in her kingdom began to bore her. One of her children had disappeared when she bore another, and the other was merely grown into a yearling herself. Things had become bland in her beautiful life, season after season and nothing changed. Yet now she felt it was time to change, time for a new face to join her elegant homeland.

    The dark chocolate women weaved through multiple crowds of bodies circled with conversation. The immense amount of scents overwhelmed her nostrils causing her to become a bit queasy. Perriwinkle azure eyes searched through the masses of equine, stuck together like clumping mascara. Searching for someone who had at least been confronted by two equine, so she could easily join the fight.

    She searched through the clumps quietly, and strode with caution towards a trio of equine. Two of which were winged stallions and one a dainty little mare. She stood quiet for a moment catching the name of one of the winged equine, Hurricane who held an invitation of the tundra. The other had not spoken his name, while the mare she was unaware of hers either.

    As she intruded she felt horrible interrupting their brief questioning of asking the darkened brute what his name was. But she felt the need to introduce herself, since Hurricane seemed to be skipping ahead by extending an invitation might as well do so. Interrupting, the elegant chocolate beauty added into the conversation, "I'm Becca of Heavens Gates. I would also like to extend an invitation. But I must warn you, a war is brewing between my kingdom and The Chambers." She ended quietly.

    All kingdoms had their flaws, hers was just more troublesome with the extending danger of an attack at any minute. But hopefully the problem could be resolved there was never a need for war.

    Her invitation now extended, she allowed a polite bow to both of the other equine advertising their kingdoms. And a settle dip of a head to the old stallion in a kind welcome, allowing a sweet smile to unwind upon her muzzle.


    image © nathan walker

    Messages In This Thread
    I won't rot - kingdoms. - by Corruption - 12-27-2015, 05:19 PM
    RE: I won't rot - kingdoms. - by Ygritte - 12-27-2015, 06:06 PM
    RE: I won't rot - kingdoms. - by Hurricane - 12-27-2015, 11:23 PM
    RE: I won't rot - kingdoms. - by Becca - 12-28-2015, 01:28 AM
    RE: I won't rot - kingdoms. - by Corruption - 12-31-2015, 05:34 PM

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