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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i just can't get enough;; brynmor, any :)

    "I will see."

    It had honestly surprised the graying blind man that Corin had agreed to follow him to the Tundra. Sure he might had spoken more about his home than Phaedrus had, but he hadn’t thought it would be enough. Not that Brynmor is complaining, in fact, it’s more like the opposite. It had been his first trip to the field in an attempt to recruit some men for the Tundra and he had succeeded just like that. And he would be lying if he would say that it didn’t feel good. ”See, I’m not worthless like they all say, I’m capable to contribute something for my home” he says smudgy, his lips curling up in a satisfied smile. His words were addressed towards his friend, the imaginary voice in his head. ’Don’t get too excited, Brynnie. This was just beginner’s luck’ is his friends snarky reply. Yet Brynmor cannot bring himself to care, he is simply too content with his success.

    He isn’t far away from the opening in the ice wall when Corin passes through. Normally he wouldn’t be too fond of others just crossing their border like that. And they couldn’t say they didn’t know they had entered the Tundra’s territory, the southern wall was a pretty clear sign. Yet he also knows that he had been the one to invite Corin in, meaning that the striped man wasn’t the one to blame. In his slow, careful step Brynmor follows the stallion into the lands. Like always he had been lurking around the wall, easily picking up the scents and sounds of those who enter their kingdom, and now he used those same senses to follow Corin.

    ”You came” he simply stated as he reached the other male. While he slowly moves himself around the striped man to face him a small smile spread across his lips and he dips his head in a greeting. ”Welcome to the Tundra.” He directs his gaze in approximately the direction Corin is in and like always his gaze is pretty accurate, only a little off. But Brynmor would have to admit that the snow made it easier for him. With even the slightest movement – the moving of your weight from your left legs to the rights would be enough to cause a crackling sound – he would know where the other horse stood. ”I assume you are interesting of joining the Tundra’s brotherhood?”

    "Through your secret."

    OOC: 'Italic' is what the imaginary voice in his head says and thus only Brynmor can hear and "colored" is what Brynmor himself says.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: i just can't get enough;; brynmor, any :) - by Brynmor - 12-21-2015, 02:37 PM

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