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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    t'was the night before christmas | round i

    ”You have got to be kidding me.”was the first thing she thought of when she heard the commotion, banging and crashing, she was instantly annoyed. Her eyes flew open and she glared down at the body she was in, her mouth was agape, shocked into silence as these new memories flooded her brain. She had brothers and sisters, and mother. This one liked her, well more than the horse one she remembers. She threw her body out of bed, stumbling as she figured out how to move. She looked around for signs of destruction or an intruder- whatever it was was not in her room.  Kat moved to the door and threw it open, expecting to hear her kid siblings laughing ”MOM! The dweebs are already up! I’m going—“ Her unusually clear and light voice fell abruptly silent and her head snapped to the living room down the stairs. Those were not the sweet little giggles of her brothers and sisters.

    She turned around going into her brother’s room, she knew he liked baseball and would have a bat. Part of her was amazed at her knowledge of this family that she didn’t quite know was real or not. A crash from downstairs refocused her, she needed to go get whomever was destroying the hours of her time wrapping presents.  Mother made her help (of course), and she had to wrap instead of going to the movies with her friends. She blinked-friends? Movies? What? If this was a dream it was the oddest most intense dream Kat had ever had. She grabbed the bat from the floor and took off downstairs at a run, Kat called over her shoulder again, “MOOOOM!She hated that her mother could sleep through the apocalypse.

    Down the stairs and about the corner, the living room was just a few paces away. She ducked at the loudest thud rumbled down from the roof.  You have got to be kidding me! Kat wondered at what was going on, but there was little time to ponder. She took a few fortifying breaths, working up the nerveto throw herself at whatever was in the living room. Kat yelled around the corner, and took the bat to a two of the little demons. Each contact she achieved made a nice thud against the hard dense bat. The demons were completely taken off guard, which helped her initially, but not for long. Her moment of surprise over, the demons took a little more care around her now. The beady eyed little monsters hopped around quick on their feet waiting for her to attack. Kat glared at them, a snarl rose in her mouth, her words a hiss. ”Listen here you assholes, I did not miss out on my friends, and spend hours wrapping these gifts for you to ruin it.” She swung the bat with two hands, over her head lunging forward towards the fireplace. Thud, that makes three.  There was a distinct ripping sound, Kat turned with dread to see the other 5 demons each rip apart the wrapping paper. UURRGGHH! You little heathens!”

    The little demons laughed in response, each breaking the gift it held. Kat was suddenly hit with emotion; her mother worked hard so they could have a Christmas and they usually only got 2 presents. (Though her favorite was the stockings- filled with candy, and cookies. Her mother always made sure each kid got their favorites.) Those little monsters too half the stash under the tree- destroying the time effor and money that her family had worked so hard to attain. She lunged at them, tears in her dark brown eyes. The demons were prepared, and leaped to the tree knocking it over and into the fireplace. Ornaments shattered into the smallest of pieces, a darkly beautiful picture of destruction where there was once a picture of love and family. Kat angrily wiped the tears away. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion, and her best efforts were not proving to be enough. 

    The thumping on the roof grew louder, which broke the spell of the horrible moment.The noise came from the chimney now, grunting, scraping, dark laughter grew each moment. Even the demons paused at the sound before they went back to tearing apart gifts. Kat stumbled backwards, not knowing what else to do. While her siblings were the most annoying people ever, she didn’t want to pull them into this, and her mother was dead to the world when asleep. Kat didn’t know what to do. How could she keep the bigger thing out? It was obviously trying to come down the chimney.Then she figures it out- the fireplace. She ran over to it, not bothering with the demons- they could rip apart presents—she had to keep more form getting in. By the fireplace where those insta-light fire logs, she threw one into the fire place, and grabbed the lighter. She flicked it on and lit the log, fire taking to it easily. The tree was awkward to move, but she tried to get it away from the fireplace so she kicked it a few feet. It would have to do, at least it wouldn't instantly catch fire. Kat picked up the bat again, and swung at the demon lurking forwards the stockings. ”Oh no you don’t! You can take the gifts but you are NOT taking the stockings too! Swing, thud, swing, thud- there go number 4 and 5. Then a yelp cried out from the fireplace, followed by a swift motion up the chimney. 

    A wicked smile took over Kat’s face and she turned back to the demons, a small but meaningful victory. Kat swung the bat through the air, all but ready to knock some of them across the room. They may have ruined Christmas, but she was vengeful as a horse, and she felt no reason to hide that now.  Her bat flew through the air as the demons danced around it. Kat swung overhead, back handed, lunged and each time the demons avoided her. She wanted to scream. She still had to save her family. The stomping on the roof grew louder then and with a puff of smoke the fire was out and the…the GRINCH (?!?!?) was standing there!  Kat stumbled backwards, small yelp of fright falling from her lips. You have got to be kidding me! Ugh! What is the the Christmas dream from hell?!? The little monsters danced, happy to see their apparent master.  The ones she had knocked out slowly got back up, and hobbled to the creepy Grinch. They lined up in front of her, eyes gleaming. Kat swallowed hard, not liking the odds that stacked up against her. There were more of then than her, and she was not as effective as she had hoped. She knew what she would do in horse form, but she couldn't make that happen now. Either way, she had to save what she could of Christmas for her siblings--even if it was just the stockings. She lifted her chin; mouth set in a thin line and bounced the bat off her spare hand. They had already ruined most of Christmas what else did she have to lose?

    { Kataclysm }

    Me and God? We don't get along well.

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    RE: t'was the night before christmas | round i - by Kataclysm - 11-30-2015, 09:05 PM

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