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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    trick or treat, lovelies; round two
    As the wraith’s wailing finally subsides, it is Xiah who composes herself first. Dragging her hands from her ears (I can move mountains, she thinks) and pressing them to a suddenly grassy floor, the small black girl raises herself. She creeps towards Jude, who stands trembling before the door, one hand outstretched towards the knob. Extending her own slim appendage, Xiah gently embraces Jude’s hand, pushing it away from their death (or one of them, at least).

    “Justice would want you to keep going, Kida,” She murmurs. Jude looks at her slowly, strangely. “J-Jude,” She corrects. “Sorry… You remind me of my sister, Kida.” Frowning slightly, Jude looks at their clasped hands, scrutinizing them. As though through water, Jude steps closer, using her free hand to cup Xiah’s face. Her hard breath hurts Xiah’s lungs, but she does not flinch. Instead, she feels the fire of Jude’s dark lips against her forehead; and she finds the scald enticing.
    Exhaling sharply when the elder retreats, Xiah cannot manage words. Their stormy eyes clash, like angry lovers; and in the next moment, Jude tugs them forward by their continuously entwined hands.
    “C’mon Xi, we have to keep moving.” Forcing her legs to work even harder, Xiah glues herself to her companion’s side. The darkness lifts slightly, and for a moment the duo glimpse an endless hedge (dripping with black dew, ominously barbed) stretching to their left and right. Trembling, they unanimously turn left; as they continue on, a fog falls over them. They nearly miss the first turn off, but Jude’s keen eyes spot the gap, and they slip into the maze.
    Xiah’s hand twitches, which causes Jude to strengthen her grasp. Nearly panting, the teen’s hand twitches again, against her authorization. As they follow a curve left, it happens again. “Sorry,” She whispers, as though the fog could hear them. “I can’t help it.” Steeling her muscles, she manages to control the spasms for a few minutes, in which their path seems endless.
    “Fuck!” She’s louder this time, succumbing to the panic. They’ve just chosen right at a fork, and land up at a dead end. Forgetting her efforts, Xiah’s entire arm spasms. Hyperventilating, she squeezes harder when Jude attempts to let go. Their eyes meet. Xiah’s are flecked with ruby. Brows furrowing, Jude tries harder to release herself.
    “Quit it!” Xiah half whines, half snarls. “We can’t get split up in this fog.” She attempts a softer tone, though her grasp remains iron. Encouraging her companion, the petite girl leads them out of the dead end before choosing a new fork.
    Despite her instinctual affection for Xiah, Jude finds herself ill at ease. “Are you sure we didn’t come this way?”
    “Of course I’m sure.”
    “Let’s go back and check.”
    “I said I’m sure.”
    Stifling her insecurities, Jude allows Xiah to lead them for a dozen minutes. They continue zigging and zagging through the dense fog and the narrowing hedges. They flinch when a small noise sounds to their left, driving Jude into the hedge. Shit, she breathes, twisting her arm to inspect the small cut. A bead of blood dribbles down her forearm.
    “What’s that?” Smooth forehead wrinkling with confusion and hunger, Xiah halts at an intersection, nose leading the direction of her head as she attempts to pinpoint the smell of iron. Just as her half-steel, half-wine eyes land on Jude’s slight wound, the sound returns in a very real, very physical form.
    Springing forward like the plague, a massive hippogriff tears the pair’s hands apart. Gruesome claws close around Jude’s shoulders, knocking her flat to the earth. Screaming, the victim manages to snatch a hidden dagger from her belt. As her screams pierce the air, so does her blade pierce the beast’s forelegs. This only works against her, for the hippogriff lunges forward, intending to tear off her skin but only managing to remove her shirt.
    During this latest encounter, Xiah snaps out of her trance; the waft of blood may have distracted her, but seeing her companion being ripped to shreds tops her thirst. Wailing, she launches herself towards then eighteen-hand beast. Fists flying, she beats the mighty creature’s side futilely. Irritated, the dapple grey bird-horse swings its head around, snatches the small girl in its beak, and flings her against the unforgiving hedge.
    Winded and bruised, Xiah gasps, clutching her ribs. Pain blinds her, yet she hears Jude’s agony still. Rolling on to her stomach, fortune lands in the palm of her hand; Jude has dropped her short blade. Lithe fingers closing around the hilt, Xiah climbs to her elbows and army crawls towards the massacre.
    Blood lays splattered around the hippogriff, small chunks of flesh littering the musky maze floor. Jude’s screams echo through the fog, and the monster’s bird-like squeals do too. Wings splayed, it flaps twice to raise itself and Jude off the earth. The victim thrashes, fingers taught, tears of blood streaming from the claw-pockets in her shoulder blades. Folding its wings, the monster slams its prey to the earth, crushing her with its mighty weight. Something cracks, and Jude sobs; Xiah suspects her collar bone has broken, and smiles at the thought.
    Struggling to her knees, Xiah draws back the dagger. The beast does not notice. Far too busy is it tearing tiny chunks of skin off of Jude’s arms and exposed stomach; flaying her, piece by piece. Shuddering at the intense scent of blood, Xiah slams the knife into the ribs of the dapple-grey monster. Withdrawing quickly, the girl shivers at the arousing sound of the knife’s retreat. With vigor, she digs deeper and deeper into the hippogriff’s flesh, craving the spilling of its blood.
    Screeching, the beast’s wings unfurl. Although it has dominated many humans, this one wears teeth, teeth it does not appreciate. Releasing Jude with one final slash across her midriff and a kick of its powerful hind legs towards Xiah, the monster retreats, screeching into the distance for the remainder of Xiah’s journey.
    Collapsing to her elbows once more, Xiah squirms closer to Jude. Her companion’s chest heaves with sobs, her eyes are wildly staring, and many parts of her have been removed. When Xiah slithers on top of her, she smiles weakly; Xiah smiles back, revealing fanged teeth. Jude’s eyes widen, and as Xiah’s face nears her own, she spots the woman’s blood red eyes.
    “OH PLEASE NO, GET THE FUCK OFF ME!” Her screams of terror go unheeded, indeed as she begins a new verse of her horrible song, she gets cut off. Xiah’s dark lips clash against Jude’s, for indeed her hunger is a lust. Hips lowering and pressing against her companion’s bleeding stomach, Xiah forces Jude’s lips apart, allowing muffled cries of distress to tremble through their unfortunate embrace. Jude’s mangled arms flutter limply at her sides, never able to push off her new attacker.
    Releasing Jude for her last gasps of air, Xiah kisses her way down Jude’s jaw, slowly pumping her hips as she does so. All too quickly her lips meet the jugular; and as Jude screams her last, Xiah enjoys the succulent taste of blood flowing through her lips, down her throat, and into her ever-hungry stomach.
    As Jude’s cries become less and less, Xiah becomes terribly joyful. The rush of the kill overwhelms any thoughts of what she has done, of how she has murdered someone she thought to be her sister. There are no regrets as she releases the corpse and kisses its still-warm lips one final time; there is only ecstasy.
    Standing with renewed strength, the vampire girl cracks her neck with blood-covered hands, leaving stains upon her cheeks. Whirling about, she begins running through the maze, giving no final glance to her darling Jude.
    Dashing thoughtlessly through the maze, a strangely scented mist settles over her path, and for well over half an hour she runs in a wide, distorted circle. It is only when she passes the same two exits for the sixth time that she realizes something is amiss; for the thrill of the kill has begun to wear off, and her true senses have returned.
    Shaking her head vigorously, the vampire abandons the circle of confusion and its strange aroma. As she backtracks, she passes Jude’s body. This time, the sight of the beautiful, slaughtered girl brings sickness to Xiah’s lips; but she refuses to release the bile, and swallows it down instead. Besides, it is mostly blood; and she has paid dearly for it, for now she must navigate the maze alone.
    Sprinting away from her kill as one on fire runs from the burning building, Xiah impulsively travels through the hedges, occasionally nicking her arms. Without comprehending her actions, she nears the center of the maze. Surprise may be read all across her delicate face, for since the circle she has expected more traps.
    Just as she rounds a corner and spots a goblet atop an innocent column, a fat rabbit hops before her. Her human-senses, however dull, call her towards the goblet; and yet still the vampire she has become usurps her wisdom. Swooping down, she snatches the rabbit all too easily, bringing it to her lips. Briefly she inhales, and, at its sweet scent, she latches on.
    Her prey’s juice is sweet and thick, as though nectar flowed alongside blood. Knees weakening, she draws more deeply on the rodent, only to choke on one drought to big and begin coughing. Dropping the rabbit without meaning to, the girl sways side to side, and the world spins inside out.
    It’s poisoned.
    Barely lucid, Xiah forces herself to imagine Jude’s mutilated corpse. Just as before, blood rushes up from her stomach, and this time she releases it. Again and again she heaves as the full weight of what she has done comes crashing down upon her fake reality; she’s a murderer.
    Kill yourself.
    I didn’t mean –
    Kill yourself.
    I just couldn’t stop –
    Kill yourself.

    Sobbing erratically, Xiah manages to stumble towards the low-column. Though her system is rid of the poison, her stomach is now empty, and weakness befalls her. A trembling hand clutches the goblet, and with pitiful whines, she raises it to her lips.
    When the last drop slides down her bloodied throat, her eyes open, silver once more, but no less tear-stained.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: trick or treat, lovelies; round two - by Xiah - 10-20-2015, 11:16 PM
    All things are possible: - by Shahrizai - 10-22-2015, 08:19 PM
    RE: trick or treat, lovelies; round two - by Kult - 10-23-2015, 12:26 PM
    RE: trick or treat, lovelies; round two - by Eona - 10-23-2015, 08:47 PM

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