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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  She's Just a Girl, and She's On Fire
    Escence & Eviction
    ~Twin Flame~

    My dreams are not of rainbows and butterflies tonight.  Each time I drift off another image of death and destruction comes.  And each time my brother is there.  I jolt awake before I know what his role is there, but I can't imagine it is him who causes the chaos.

    Pressed against my father's chest there is a comfort there I did not feel when held against my mother.  Her embrace has always felt more restricting.  Now, against his chest, there is a freedom I have longed for.  So, I remain, willingly in my sleepless drifting.

    I am awakened once again, but it is not my nightmares that are the cause.  A bright flash ignites the sky, followed by a low rumble.  My sleepy eyes blink rapidly as I look up to the skies.  I notice my father's glowing eyes looking up too.  Worry that it would soon be raining causes me to step from my father's side and towards where my brother lies.  My red eyes watch the rise and fall of his ribcage, assuring me that life still existed within him.  

    My head lowers, bringing my nose to press against his neck.  "Vic," I call to him softly.  He remains motionless still and my head rises, turning to look at my father for guidance.  Finding none I bring myself to lay next to him.  My head resting on his back just as we used to as foals curled up to share warmth.

    Sleep evades me and so I stare up to the cloudy skies.  Electric strings of lights flash brilliantly above.  Each one unique in its shape and intensity.  In my minds musings I don't notice the slight shift in my brother appearance.  His usual flames started flickering back to life at his hooves.  It isn't until a familiar voice calls to me that I am brought back to my reality.


    The voice is weak, but it holds his same tone.  My head lifts as a smile breaks across my lips. "Vic!" I say with relived excitement, "You're ok!"  I curl my neck to nudge him gently before rising to my hooves.  The living flames of my body dance in delight as tiny orbs of fire levitate around us.  His head lifts, looking up to me with his glowing white eyes, a matching smile on his face.  I back up a pace to allow him the space to stand, but remaining close enough in case he would need support.

    He rises shakingly, but soon steadies.  I come to his side and then look to our father who still stands where he was.  My smile is bright as I speak, "He's ok!" Their father simply nods his head and continues to watch them.

    "What was that Vic?  W-what happened?  Where did that light come from?  And my ankle, it doesn't hurt anymore.  Did you do that?"  The questions rattle off uncontrollably.  My eyes searching him for answers.  All he can manage is to stare at our father with a narrowed gaze.  It isn't until I nudge him impatiently that he answers, Yes I healed you.  He says simply and emotionlessly, his focus still on their sire.  I notice and ask, "What's wrong Vic?"  My gaze shifts between them, trying to place the tension.  I don't trust him, he says while motioning to their father.  My brow furrows in confusion, "Vic.  That's our father.  He helped us.  He stayed all night with us to make sure we were safe..." 

    I take a step back.  Still staring forwards, he replies, we need to go home.  Still confused by the situation I do not argue and simply nod.  Before turning to leave I walk up to the undead thing and bring my muzzle up to meet his tattered face.  He brushes his along me as he had the day I was born.  It brings me comfort even in the awkward situation.  

    Turning now I walk back towards the river's edge, looking back to see Eviction following cautiously.  Their father remaining still and observant.

    //Fire Mimicry-Summer Appearance-Fire Breathing-Water Immunity\\
    Fire Mimicry- Fox Fire, Pheonix-Type Immortality, Fire Wings(developing)

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    She's Just a Girl, and She's On Fire - by Escence - 04-11-2024, 07:38 PM
    RE: She's Just a Girl, and She's On Fire - by Escence - 04-15-2024, 07:11 PM

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