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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean
    — and how long must I stay, will I lay by your side
    just to say that I’m yours and you’ll never be mine;
    She is learning that she is not as good at being alone as she had previously thought.

    She wished she did not feel that longing inside of her chest, wished that she knew of some way to quiet it that would not lead to her feeling abandoned and hurt yet again. Because that always seemed to be the way when she tried to get close with someone, and she never has been able to figure out if it’s something she does wrong or if it’s just her fragile appearance that drives them away, that maybe when they look at her all they see is a clock counting down to the moment she will inevitably shatter into pieces.

    She thinks these thoughts even though she knows they cannot be true — her father is made of glass, and he is still alive and loved by her mother. If anyone could find a reason to not love someone, it would have been Desire, and so Hourglass doubts that it is her perceived frailty that alienates her.

    From her place along the riverbank she exhales a quiet sigh, her pale-colored eyes clouded with her troubled thoughts, and she is so lost in her own mind that she does not even realize that something is rising to the surface until his body breaks through. He is close enough that she can do nothing to stop the startled sound that flies from her mouth, her glass legs making an odd sound as they knock against each other as she scrambles backwards. 

    Inside her chest her glass heart is beating furiously, so much so that she thinks he must be able to hear it, and she can feel heat rising to her cheeks when she realizes that it is just a stallion. “I’m sorry,” she apologizes for a reason she can’t quite discern, her voice still breathless with fear, but she straightens herself and takes an unsure step back towards him, her lilac eyes now wide with curiosity and wonder. “You startled me. I guess I forgot that living in the water is a possibility.”
    — with this love like a hole,
    swallow my soul —


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    RE: as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean - by Hourglass - 04-14-2024, 08:53 PM

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