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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Go Forth and Set The World On Fire {Quest}

    Demi is no stranger to the gifts of their world.  They are everywhere in various forms, ranging from simplistic to all-powering.  When Ruhr speaks of his own magic, past and present, as being gifts of the moon I am lit with even more curiosity.  I had never met anyone gifted by the moon!  He speaks of Her as if it is someone he knows, like a family member or even a close friend.  How cool would it be to know something, someone, as grand as the moon!  My gaze drifts to the skies above as if searching for the one he speaks of, but I find the sky has gathered dark ominous clouds.  "Looks like it's about to storm," I say in a knowing tone.  As soon as the words leave my lips a drizzle begins.  My mismatched eyes glance about the area, "over there, a tree!" A few hundred feet away was a scraggly little pine with not enough cover for one let alone two bodies.  "Come on!"  I giggle as the rain intensifies and I make a mad dash for cover.  It is only when I reach the tree that I shift into a simple little songbird and nestle myself within the conifer branches.

    The storm lasts a while, waves a heavy rain and then light drizzle soak the meadow, promising life to all those within the land.  The clouds overhead begin to shift from a thick, dark blue blanket, to gray puffs that broke open to show the brilliant blue sky above.  My black masked face turns to look at Ruhr and then give a good shake, sending the water that coated my feathers, flying in all directions.  My tiny body leaps from the branch and to the ground below, shifting back my equine form.  "What a wondrous spring shower!" My tone as bright as the smile on my face.  I look to my friend to see how he faired in the weather, hoping he found some reprieve at least.


    The sun begins to sprinkle across the grassy plain as my gaze casts across it.  Tiny yellow flowers dotted the landscape.  It is then I see a dark form moving towards us with a determined sort of look.  The black and purple spotted horse was soaked from head to hoof from the rainstorm.  "Oh dear, I wonder if he is ok,"  I say to Ruhr.  Without another thought I am moving towards the stranger, a worried look on my face.  "Excuse me Sir... A-are you ok?"  I ask kindly, uncertain if approaching a stranger was a smart idea, but then again that is how Ruhr and I met...

    Of Legends & Myths

    Appearance: Equine form(Chestnut and white pintalossa)

    @Knaught  I inserted the top part in italics which is from a thread timelined just before this one, just so it paints a better picture Smile
    @ Ruhr Feel free to join in otherwise Demi will just insert that Ruhr is present and simply watching <3

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Go Forth and Set The World On Fire {Quest} - by Demi - 03-25-2024, 05:35 PM

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