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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I fall behind, the second hand unwinds
    I am Heaven sent, don't you dare forget

    Aela would be proud of him.
    Of this he is sure.

    He had never pushed himself so far but with no wings or swimming capabilities, there wasn’t many options to find a way off the Isle. It had taken time to recover from the fall of the South, from the trauma of being lost at sea and finding himself in a strange and foreign place. He knew where he had ended up now, Icicle Isle. He knew that the entirety of the South was underwater. His home, the Pampas, submerged. And Aela….

    There was no way she could be gone. His mother was the smartest, cleverest, and strongest horse he had ever met. There was no way she would ever fall to the sea. So he practiced. He ate. He rested. And then one day, when it felt right, he stood by the northeastern part of the Isle at the edge of the sea. And he focused. And he concentrated. Flames rose before him and began to weave and rise, just as he had done time and time again. But never on this scale. Never at this height, this length. Carefully, he takes a step forward. A single hoof, testing the weight of the flaming structure before him. It smolders and flickers.. But holds.

    On a bridge of fire that he weaves piece by piece before him, he makes his way over the sea that had threatened to swallow him whole. By the time he finally weaves the last pieces that touch the land before him, sweat is dripping down his spotted forehead and his body trembles with exhaustion. The fire vanishes when he finally steps on sand and he collapses with a smile on his lips.

    Aela would be proud indeed.

    - - - - - - - - - - -

    His mother had told him bits and pieces of the North but never with any fondness. The lands are not familiar to him although he figures he had landed in Nerine. Yet he easily became confused, trying to find his way back to where his life had fallen into the ocean. Lost if you will. He traveled for days, not sure which way he was going anymore but certain that if he just kept moving he would eventually end up somewhere. Run into someone. Eventually he finds a river and remembers something vaguely about following it. And so he does… In the wrong direction that leads him even further from the South.

    The mountains that rise before him are beautiful in their spires and the lake below, breathtaking. A beautiful place, almost as beautiful as the wildflower plains he had once called home. He pushes them from his mind, refuses to think of what was no longer there. He didn’t like the way it felt, thinking of it. He didn’t like the way Terror seemed stronger when he did. He had thought of trying to summon a different soul, like the lost filly that had been taken too soon. The Prince’s daughter. But that was painful too, in a different way. And so he allowed Terror to stay because it felt better then being completely alone again.

    Slowly, cautiously, he catches a glimpse of white and spots a winged mare in the distance. He approaches from behind and as he closes the distance to her, the more Terror seems to resist. Tries to convince him that its a bad idea. That it was dangerous. For a moment he considers it but his curiosity is stronger. And besides, the white winged mare seems far from dangerous. The closer he gets, the more intrigued he is. Her wings drip with golden dust and he catches something round and golden that glints in the sun near her head. “Excuse me.” He asks, suddenly uncertain and it shows in his feral gaze as Terror tries desperately to keep their bond intact. For the soul knows it has no hope against an angel.  “Could you tell me where I am?”



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    I fall behind, the second hand unwinds - by Fyr - 01-18-2022, 02:30 PM

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