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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [private]  Love doesn't discriminate between sinners & the saints

    Jealousy is not the first thing that sprouts into Skandar’s mind upon seeing the larger, muscular stallion. He is quickly scanning him, eyes greedy and calculating, memorizing each part of this stranger that he had only seen in his mind, thanks to Aela. He focuses on the microexpressions that come with the furrowing of Obscene’s shaded brows, the violent red of his fierce gaze, and his poised stance - one fit for a prince, as he calls himself. He busies himself with each aspect of Obscene’s physical body, committing it to memory as best he can during the time that he has. “Both of us, if all goes accordingly.” His answer is flat and indifferent, unsure whether he is bluffing or not. Aela would not send him here for mere tricks, for they are far beyond what once entertained them as youths.

    Skandar does not claim to own Aela (nor had the thought ever crossed his mind) until Obscene questions him further. Why him? Why him? Skandar’s ears fall flat to the curve of his sparkling neck, his teeth flash with a warning, champing at the empty air with a dull click. The only conclusion could be that Aela did not think to bring him up in their previous conversation and for the first time, Skandar feels that cool twist of jealousy - so unlike the rage that burns rampant - in his chest. He further becomes trapped in it as Obscene drops the final blow, questioning Skandar’s purpose and Aela’s satisfaction with it. The feeling confuses and sickens him, causing the leaner stallion to toss his head violently. When the deep tendrils of violet and indigo, with a twinge of burnt orange fall across his face, Skandar’s eyes glow a brilliant scarlet red.

    A low hum accompanies the pulsating glow of his entire eyes, the sound of heat radiating behind his skull. A simple glance of his gaze (maybe two or three) and he’d be able to carve the heart out of Obscene’s chest. “Keep wondering,” comes the growl of a reply through a clenched jaw, the red glow dimming slowly until it is gone, replaced with the orange that had once been. He need not entertain him and his questions, to fight as if Aela wouldn’t try to kill the both of them if she had the chance. They are both willing pawns, succumbing to her charisma and charm despite knowing she thirsts for so much more than Skandar, than Obscene. Even the skinwalker understands she is no mere mortal.

    Skandar’s lips turn into a scowl. He knew that he would have to prove his worth and, despite already preparing for a showdown, disliked to display his abilities so freely. He tosses his head (this time much lighter and less agitated), clearly weighing his options as he considers Obscene’s question. Why would he need him?

    As his scowl deepens, ears remaining beneath the tangle of violet and indigo, Skandar’s skin begins to shiver tremendously. Pieces of it begin to separate, fluttering like individual wings against each other, clicking grotesquely as he creates himself into something new. Starting at his muzzle, his skin flickers in a single wave, each petal of indigo, orange, and violet turning dark obsidian. It wavers again, in a single and fluid motion to the tip of his tail, adorning himself this time with the same sparkling gold that splashes across Obscene’s face and chest, matching the pattern near-perfectly. Another wave of fluttering skin and the very same tangles of wildflowers and brambles find themselves in the inky black of his mane and tail, mimicking the stallion before him. One final wave falls across him to grow to the same height, even going so far as to match the look of disdain on Obscene’s face. With a blink, those orange eyes flash to a violent red.

    Skandar stands before the Prince as a perfect mirror image - scowl and everything - in intense silence.

    His ability runs far deeper than the power to mimic others, but there was something in him that hoped the other stallion would be either shocked into silence or pushed into the territory of defensiveness if he were to view the change as a mockery. The not-Obscene’s lips twitch with the tiniest pull of his mouth into a smirk.

    Maybe it was.



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    RE: Love doesn't discriminate between sinners & the saints - by Skandar - 07-03-2021, 11:55 AM

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