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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  i was in the darkness so darkness i became, tirza and spectra

    Coming here almost felt like coming home. What should have been a home - where she and Gravy should have had a long foalhood filled with games, where Spectra should have known at least a glimmer of love instead of being left to be a ghost. The crimes her parents had committed on behalf of the younger sister always threatened to turn Tirza’s carefully managed anger into an inferno. She tried very hard to not let the existence of her parents influence in her in any shape or form - did her best to believe that they were ghosts the way that Spectra seemed to see everyone else.

    She was not always successful in these attempts and it had become more and more difficult when she thought about Spectra abandoned as a filly.

    Tirza knew she had a protective side, she just didn’t ever expect it to extend to anyone other than her twin brother.

    While there is a chance that their mother might be around, Tirza thinks the viper will be either too cowardly or too indifferent to approach all three of her children. Whether she knows it or not, the talkative Spectra is likely giving them an armour - keeping any snakes in the area to the shadows.

    It will likely not happen, but the new beast that is coiled in Tirza's heart - the one that replaced the viper - is ready to strike if that mother dares to approach the filly she had abandoned.

    The youngest sibling makes sure their travel is not spent in silence and Tirza finds that the smile that she wears for the girl’s benefit is not forced. It had been instinct to attach herself to the filly and make sure she was never alone (or mostly never, anyway - Tirza made herself a port that Spectra could return to whenever she wished). Some of the ice chipped away from the former viper's heart in the process and she really did enjoy being with her sister - and was looking forward to this meeting with Gravy.

    His greeting elicits an eye roll of eyes that are no longer reptilian and Tirza nudges her sister, not lowering her voice one bit as she says "Come on, sister. Let's teach our brother some manners." before trotting into the lake without hesitation - making as big of a splash as she can, making her arrival as large as she can possibly make it. 


    @[spectra] it's perfect <3

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    RE: i was in the darkness so darkness i became, tirza and spectra - by Tirza - 04-13-2021, 09:12 AM

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