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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  She waits from ledges for a voice to talk her down


    Yanhua was surprised at first how much he enjoyed the sound of Borderline’s voice. Not the second time she spoke (though he didn’t mind her voice either way), but the first time she’d said ‘hi!’ - all sweet and nervously high-pitched. Whoever she was, she peaked the young stallion’s interest and drew him in with a smile, as if she’d been waiting for someone just like Yanhua to come along and ease the loneliness. “Well here I am.” He thought, stepping a bit closer through the snowdrifts when she’d accepted his company with bright, feminine “Sure!”.

    Borderline she said her name was, and Yan didn’t think anything of it but to remember the word and the expressions passing over her face while she talked. She mentioned his mother and for a second his ears came together in curiosity, but he chuckled soon after and assured her that “Taiga can be lonely at first, but you’re never truly alone.”

    “Not while I’m living here, that is.” Yan quickly followed up his first statement with a more enthusiastic second one. He grinned sideways out of the corner of his mouth and shook out his furry back, stiff from waiting in the cold. “Nice to meet you, Borderline.” Yan dipped his horns politely and continued, “Lilliana is my dam, and the smell you’re picking up was from a fire.” He decided not to lie to the new Taigan mare. Being obtuse in favor of gaining a new horse from the Field went against Yanhua’s nature - better she found out from him now than later on from someone else.

    He also thought it best to stop there and let Borderline process what he was saying to her, in case for some reason or another the picture of a new home in Borderline’s thoughts didn’t quite match up with the facts about this forest. She would have questions, he thought, and Yan kind of had questions for her about what his mother had said of these woods. Maybe Lilli's words had been true at the time of their meeting - the Taiga of the past wasn’t so different from the Taiga of the present: they were still united and still a family of dreamers, it was just that the world had started to change and unfortunately for them, Taiga was one of the first lands to feel that change.

    I GOT | Extra | FEELINGS


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    RE: She waits from ledges for a voice to talk her down - by Yanhua - 09-20-2020, 07:18 PM

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