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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I made a quiz instead of doing anything useful
    What’s your name (real/OOC)?

    How old are you?

    Where are you from?
    eastern PA (USA)

    What do you do for work?
    front desk for a veterinarian

    Do you like it?
    i like getting paid and petting animals.

    How many pets do you have?
    2 dogs, 2 birds, a leopard gecko and some goldfish

    see above

    Read any good books in 2020?
    not yet

    What’s your favorite book?
    Eyre Affair

    Favorite movie?
    i have no idea

    Favorite TV series?
    The Good Place or reboot Doctor Who

    Favorite song/artist/band?
    i don't know, I don't listen to a lot of music

    What are your hobbies besides writing?
    riding horses, rock climbing, I've dabbled in lots of stuff here and there but not recently

    If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would you go?

    What is one positive thing that has happened so far for you in 2020 (you might have to dig real deep for this)?
    I saved money which I guess is cool

    How long have you been writing fake ponies?
    Well, I started in 1996 and played consistently for about 7 years. Then I went to college and was much more on/off for another 7 years. Then I took a 10 year hiatus and now have been back for a little over 1 year.

    a little over 1.5 years, plus who knows how long during my sporadic college days.

    What was the name of your first ever fake horse?

    What about the first fake horse you played on Beqanna?
    Starbrow (hm)

    Who is your favorite character that you’ve ever played?
    A mare named Splotches

    Who is currently your favorite mare that you play?
    In this exact moment, Crackjaw, ask me again tomorrow

    Who is currently your favorite stallion that you play?

    Who would you like to write with that you don’t usually write with?
    Honestly I want to write with everybody, I think Star and Nilla must be getting sick of me by now.

    What do you like most about your own writing/characters?
    Their unique points of view

    What is one of your favorite personal plots/threads?
    I dunno! Anything where Poppy is ridiculous. Wherewolf vs Aela. Beryl getting adopted by Leilan. I'm bad at plotting. My New Year's Resolution is to plot more.

    What’s your favorite trait that you have played?
    I haven't done much with Florian yet, but Uncontrollable Gourd Shifting gives me such joy

    What trait would you LIKE to play someday?
    moth control for some reason, trickster, Crackjaw needs a prehensile tongue

    Is there anyone that you wish would come back to the game?
    I don't even remember the names of most of the people I played with Sad

    Show me a funny meme or gif.
    For Colby

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: I made a quiz instead of doing anything useful - by ratty - 09-10-2020, 10:17 PM

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