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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    every scar will build my throne; any
    Wayra smiled gently at her friend. She was not so very afraid. She couldn't bring herself to fear something her mind couldn't comprehend. It is the here and now she feared, rather than dark magic and strange powers. Contemplation of it may make her uneasy, but still, it cannot seem real. So far she has survived in the Chamber by putting aside the truths that scare her the most. The flaming tree, the enchanted ravens, the beating heart. It is too much for her to consider now, when she is so consumed by her own fate. So, like a child putting away a less loved toy, she set aside certain fears, so that she might worry at them later.

    Still, she was touched by his concern, and nickered fondly as he brushed her shoulder with his muzzle. The touch was so soft and so brief, she could almost believe she had imagined it, but no, it was there, and his stunned expression was proof. She pondered for a moment, wondering if she could possibly unsettle him when he barely batted an eye at mystical powers that hardly belong in the world. It is a thought lovely enough to cast an optimistic tint to her brooding thoughts.

    “For what it’s worth, I think the Chamber would survive. It seems like she has weathered worse things than a little heartbreak.”
    It was a joke, but in a way it was also true. Once upon a time she would have said a piece of land doesn’t have a heart, and therefore it can’t be broken. But, the Chamber had a heart, so who is she to say what it can and cannot do?

    Wayra’s blue ears swiveled to the sound of wolves, yet she couldn't find it in herself to fear those either. She was much braver, much bolder with a companion by her side. Besides, if she was to fear anything about the Chamber, it would not be its wolves. Yet another thing for her to contemplate another day. Though she did keep one ear pricked, just in case they should wander closer.

    Feeling very bold with Vercingetorix by her side, she chuckled melodiously at his words. When Wayra had first seen him she had thought he sparkled like some beautiful thing. Silver and gold. The contrast was striking. But then she had come to see he was not delicate, like a pretty trinket, nor was he made for adornment like something of silver and gold would be. Perhaps more like steel then? Her chuckling turned on herself. The moonlight had a way of making even the most sensible silly, and she is no exception.

    “Why, yes. I think I would, care for an adventure. What is one more? When compared to a lifetime of unknowable outcomes?” She smiled, and watched him watch her. He was still a mystery, some unknowable thing with slight cracks in the surface, little glimpses of the thoughts that lay beneath his amber eyes. It would take a far more adept student than Wayra to discern them, though she wished to pry at those cracks, even if it meant only a slight peek.

    “Surely the service is greater, when you are saved from a peril you can’t see for yourself.” She puzzlesdit like a riddle, turning it around and around to admire it from all the angles.

    “Though perhaps such a girl would be a fool? To unwittingly walk into a trap others can see?” Wayra paused, and considered again, eyes scrunched in thought. Finally she sighed, realizing the futility of pondering a question with no answer.

    “Perhaps we are all fools, in one way or another.”Wayra turned to the trees when he does, and smiled at his words. Shyly, almost impishly, she looked back into his eyes.

    “Oh, I don’t know, perhaps that is what they whisper about when the wind blows. They tell all the world’s secrets to each other.” For some reason she likeed this idea, the thought of trees as hopeless gossips. Her expression, still sly but pleased, lit on Vercingetorix, and she wondered how he did it, how he managed to turn a heart heavy with burden light.
    not all who wander are lost

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    RE: every scar will build my throne; any - by Wayra - 08-28-2015, 12:31 AM

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