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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    oh redwood tree, don't you recognize me?

    I believe I'd die if I only could

    I sure feel strange, but it sure feels good

    Fooled once by a false Lilliana, Wolfbane was now twice as cautious to be sure he wouldn’t be outwitted by a second false replica. He’d been internally disgusted by Neverwhere’s ability to make more of herself, but lately he’d been seething about another impostor who’d made it clear that she could play his own game against him. Heartfire and Eyas. You won’t escape them, The many voices in Bane’s head taunted him; meanwhile he laid low until his moving pawn, Celina, had found him at one of their designated hideaways and told him the truth of it: Lilliana had gone rogue. As proof, there was a missing wing to be accounted for.

    He’d struck the ground in a rash moment of fury and turned on Celina, but stopped himself just in time.

    He still needed her. So he told her to split, and then went out on his own for a little hunting party.

    A distraction or a ruse, Heartfire must be in league with Lilliana’s escape, He thought to himself, pushing an intensely sensitive mole’s nose to the ground in Pangea where Lilli had last been seen. His body was thick and curved, striped in a heavy brown-and-white pelt. A modified badger, clawing his way through the heavy undergrowth and down into the tough sand in hot pursuit where he could find her trail. When he came upon the basin of the river and broke through, tumbling into the river's current, Wolfbane wasted no time swirling his body into the shape of a squat bull shark.

    Where her tracks left off, the blood splattered over rocks told him she’d gone downriver. He swam, and when at last he curved his predator’s body near the shoreline somewhere close to the basin of the River’s end, he smelled where her trail had left off and grew legs that carried him up onto the shore.

    Step after step, he manipulated skin and hair, the shape of his bone structure and the length of his stride. The way he breathed and the set of his eyes molted too, both narrowing and shifting forward into the permanent scowl of a deadly beast. He trod up the little path, soaking wet and eager as Lilli’s semi-fresh trail ribboned out like a colorful, waving flag for him to follow. Further and further he followed her, and the longer the trail wound on the angrier he felt himself becoming. His skin turned black, and even though he finally settled on the simple form of an old, markingless stallion, he looked eerily blind and disturbingly ragged. At last, her stench was almost overpowering and Bane knew he was close. To his delight, Lilli’s scent wasn’t the only one around anymore.

    A second, more familiar but still new-to-Bane scent wove in and out of Lilli’s. Feminine. Young. The battered black horse smiled and grunted as he dug his hooves into the sand dunes, trying to get atop one of them.

    Then, Lilliana’s voice cried among the quiet and the gulls. In a second Wolfbane flitted away, too fast for a horse as old as he looked, too certain and direct in his approach to be mistaken for just a passerby when he appeared, trotting out onto the beach. Her saw the real Lilli out and away from him, standing (somehow) by the shore - her hair whipping in a frenzy around her, scarlet and silk. Pressed lovingly beside her was a filly.

    Wolfbane smiled harder and stopped.

    For this thread:  Sex: M  ◉  Appearance: Old Black Stallion  ◉  Mood: Dangerous

    [Image: Wolfbane2.png][Image: 3bCHvj.png]

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: oh redwood tree, don't you recognize me? - by Wolfbane - 06-07-2020, 06:14 PM

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