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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Watch it burn the fire you started in me; any

    It is early. So early that the sun has not even remotely begun to penetrate the choking canopy of the massive redwood forest. Skeleton Ghoul likes it that way -- it is cool even in the hot summer months, and the forest limits how much sun reaches the ground, meaning the undergrowth is minimal at absolute best. It's easy even for an eighteen hand titan like him to get around at whatever speed he likes.

    Currently, his speed is yawn. Skeleton Ghoul picks his head up from the soft bed of discarded leaf litter and pine needles, chewing on nothing and licking his lips, pale, empty eyes blinking as the remnants of sleep still clings to his mind. His belly swells with a massive breath that the stallion lets out in a deep sigh, huffing out a cloud of steam in the brisk morning air. He doesn't tend to lay down often, preferring to sleep in snatches standing up, but sometimes the call to rest his bones is too loud. Skeleton Ghoul grunts with every breath now; the reason he stays upright so much is that he is so heavy, that laying down for long periods of time tends to hurt his guts. It's about time to get up.

    Thrusting his forelegs ahead of him, the giant heaves himself upright, greatly disturbing the leaf litter. He shakes off good and hard, ridding himself of clinging debris (mostly), sending his tangled white mane cascading over both sides of his neck haphazardly. Skeleton Ghoul licks and chews, steady himself, and rocks his weight back, upper body dipping down as his front legs stretch out and he lifts his neck and tucks his chin in a quiveringly good stretch that he finishes by sticking each hind leg out behind him as straight as them will go, in turn. Ahh, better. 

    Something moves, and it catches the stallion's attention. His empty moonlight gaze casts around, trying to pinpoint what he thought he saw -- and then he spots it. A wolf. A wolf. Skeleton Ghoul lowers his head and pins his ears back, nostrils pulling up and lips peeling back to expose his teeth. Where there is one, there should be more, but that one doesn't even seem to be looking at him. Is it a distraction? Are wolves even that smart? Either way, better show it who is boss and chase it out of here. There are foals in Taiga that would be prime food for a pack.

    Bellowing, the stallion charges the brown canid, head down. "Beat it, dog!"


    the black tyton


    This is what he's doing in case my description sucks lmao
    [Image: qZyWUwo.png]

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Watch it burn the fire you started in me; any - by Skeleton Ghoul - 05-07-2020, 08:19 AM

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