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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The road may be long, but it always unwinds // Warlight
    The way they roll back into rhythm is as easy as breathing. One hoof after the other, paces matched to keep them moving in tandem, and it feels quite shockingly as though mere days had separated the flow of their lives, not years. It was exactly that ease that brought its own mirror of uncertainty with it. Easy, was it too easy? Was he setting himself for another bout of heartache by letting himself fall so easily back into her?

    He was thinking as though he had a choice in the matter though, and he knew that wasn't the case. Not when in the depths of his heart he knew that he would risk that pain time and again, if only to experience the joys that the bright times brought him. She would make him fight for every taste of bliss, and that made every sip all the sweeter. 

    When the island spreads beneath them in welcome, he can't help but admire the beauty of her here. Mane and tail thick with water, eyes bright with the exercise and for once, the weight of the world not visible on her back. His smile is a true one when she turns back to him. Even when the heavy smack of her tail raps against his legs, it holds on his blood tinted lips. Beautiful, and alive, and his. 

    The marks of his hooves follow the trail she forges in the white sand, little gouges to mark where they'd been, where they were going. The rough-hewn weight of his head shook with amusement as he let her lead, enjoying the way she moved before him. "As you wish," his rumble of a voice thrummed peaceably. Yes, it did sound wonderful to leave the world behind for a while. That was why they had come out her, wasn't it? To be just the two of them, without interference or filter. 

    He stretched out his legs as they moved further across the isle, until his matched her own and they could walk side by side. The landscape shifted from pale beaches into vivid vegetated areas that rustled in the island breezes. Raul could feel the knots of stress begin to unravel the further they got from the rest of the world. Groves of palms and elephant ear plants waved at the pair from every side, leaves glossy with bright sunlight. Now just to find some private, sandy spot for them to call their own for a few days. It couldn't be too hard on this island full of just such locations. 

    The clinging tendrils of vine and sucker pulled at his mane and tail when he squeezed his bulk through a tighter copse, leaving fragments of greenery behind. Always a bit ahead, he observed how Warlight was making out when the breeze brought him the tang of the sea in a stronger note. Wordless he broke into a fast trot, eager to see what the open ocean offered them. 

    It did not take long for the thicket to release them onto the opposite shore, and the flame manes stallion could only stand breathless on the dune when it did. Water, far as the eye could see until it swallowed the clear blue sky. The panorama of eternity, so neatly packaged for them to behold. "There you go," he said, nodding at the endless horizon before them. "The water and the sky, and whole world beyond it." Or nothing at all. They might never know. It was exciting to imagine though, the possibility of the world continuing beyond the reaches of their sight. 


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    RE: The road may be long, but it always unwinds // Warlight - by Raul - 03-30-2020, 08:42 PM

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