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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Old friend, how I've missed you; Dracarys
    The buckskin mare chuckled lightly under the joy that she felt at seeing her old friend once again. She had known what Dracarys was going to do when she had brought Dexter back - a moment in her life she’d rather not remember. Felicitey had had lots of disappointment in her life, others who had let her down and for a brief period she had thought her blue roan friend had been one of those people after she kidnapped her dearest companion. However, when she came back to return him and explain she had found it hard to hold onto that anger. She didn’t want to be that type, like her father… or her mother.

    She was overwhelmed by the beauty of her friend’s wings, they were magnificent - just like Dracarys had always wanted. Felicitey herself had not stayed away from magic since then, there was proof of that in the way her ears, tipped in rose gold, reflected the sunlight as she cocked them towards her friend. It was evident in the way her once amber eye that paired her icey blue one was now encased in the deepest of blacks while a slow moving river of rose gold swirled in a lazy eight while bright, rose gold rays decorated that eye in a glorious sun shape. The silver snowflakes that freckled her face glittered as she dipped her head down to kiss the top of her daughters head - little shit, such a charmer.

    The chestnut overo girl’s eyes widened in pleasure as the mystical blue woman told HER that she was pretty too! She stuck out one white leg in front of her and inspected it with her pale blue eyes, and then her brow crinkled. She knew she was mostly white all over, white wasn’t nearly as beautiful as the wild colors she's seen in her short time here. Of course she had a rather large pair of white wings fitted for just her and her hooves when they catch the sunlight just right you can see that they are made of quartz intertwined with bands of pale blue and white. The small pygmy owl that currently was asleep back home could maybe be considered cool too, he was to her like Dexter was to her mom - but all he does is sleep at the most inconvenient times.

    Her pale blue eyes wandered back to the brilliant woman, “My name is Oectra,” she squeaked in a high, somewhat shrill voice of a child, “and he's Vervane,” she answered stepping out and around her mom’s leg to make eye contact with her brother wondering if he thought Dracarys was as cool as she thought she was. Her light overo brother just simply peaked out from behind their mother with slight interest but didn’t bother engaging. Didn’t bother her any, she gets Dracarys all to herself.


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    RE: Old friend, how I've missed you; Dracarys - by Felicitey - 02-05-2020, 10:41 AM

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