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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    lead me back from the darkness like you do; rhaegor / diplomats / any

    desire consumes me like a fire consumes me

    Magnus is not entirely surprised when the meeting implodes and even that he keeps from his expression. If the massive influx of horses, all seemingly saying something similar and entirely different, surprises him, he doesn’t show it. Instead, his face remains carefully neutral, features handsome and eyes warm but watching everything and tucking it away for later. He didn’t have ill-intentions, but he didn’t live as long as he has without understanding the importance of observation during meetings like this.

    When Scorch finally arrives, his crooked smile spreads. “It’s been too long, Scorch.” His gold-flecked eyes sparked at the meeting of the Amazonian Queen, nearly relaxing in her presence. It always felt good to be surrounded by those of the jungle, and his eyes slid briefly to Sarkis for a moment, picking up on the  particular twists of her voice that spoke to him of the vine and the canopy and the twisting roots.

    He lists intently as she explains the changes in the North, gaze sliding only briefly to Leilan as he makes small noises beneath his throat. Was it common for there to be such tension between kingdom mates here? He chalks it up to a mother and son squabble, but, like all things, keeps it tucked away.

    When the dust finally settles, he laughs lightly, whiskey-voice low and even. “This has been quite the greeting. I apologize if our arrival stirred things here—that was certainly not our intention.” He rolls his scarred shoulder, the heavy, tangled mess of his mane spilling over both sides of his neck.

    “Tephra is doing well, but has changed hands. I now serve as her leader once more and she is to remain a kingdom in the aftermath of everything that has happened.” A brief pause. “She is one of the safe lands and thus our borders remain open, especially to our allies. The other two lands, Ischia and Island Resort, are currently loosely tied with Tephra as territories but are largely being left to their own devices.”

    He has no desire to create a super-kingdom. No desire to barge into the other lands and tell them what to do and how to do it. Instead, he is content to give them the freedom to do as they wish. Should that be a mistake, he is content to deal with the aftermath as it comes up. He has no fear of the future.

    “I am happy to stay and hash out any details or answer any questions you may have. We consider the North our dear friends, and would very much like to see this alliance continue to flourish.”

    He pauses then, lopsided smile pulled up in the corners. He leans over just slightly to press his shoulder into Rhaegor’s own, a gentle reminder that he remembered the diplomatic prince next to him.

    good shouldn’t need to tempt us above

    we can probably end it here unless someone else has something to add! <3
    [Image: gqYjsHr.png]

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