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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Okay I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don't
    I am heaven sent, don't you dare forget

    Entendu is irritated. She makes one friend, someone to cause trouble with and someone not taken about by her forwardness, and the little fucker goes mute. Mute! How is she supposed to talk and seduce him when he cannot say anything back? Frustrated, and for the first time since coming to Beqanna, the vixen makes her way into the meadow. She realizes Loken is-was, the first friend she ever had in the entirety of her life. Which is a pity really, but she's never had any real purpose for friends. They all die eventually right? Who needs that?

    As per Entendu style, she does with flare. Each leg lifts pointedly, dropping delicately like that of a show horse. Her eyes dart back and forth, eyelashes batting and beckoning the attention of any stallion willing to play at her speed. Of course, there is no direct eye contact. That would be just a hint too straightforward for her taste, as if just parading herself around was any different. What made her this way? So terrified of normal emotions, like love or the friendships that could come with compassion? Most would blame her upbringing. A skeeze of a mother, an ungodly abundance of siblings from her promiscuous years, and the one man who swept her off her feet and made her believe he was different. Entendu's father was charming, handsome, and a complete and total fake asshole. He left when she was young, causing anguish in her mother's heart and instilling a healthy fear of being unguarded in her young filly.

    Perhaps the past had something to do with it, perhaps she is just promiscuous herself, but it's the life Entendu is comfortable with. She finally comes to a halt, tucks her legs under her, and rests on the crunchy autumn earth. A vulnerable position, one she expects to give her some sort of excitement eventually.  


    The bay and purple stallion plodded into the field, he was born with his twin brother Andras but the two were far from similar. Andras was much more nice, and wanted to do everything the right way where Francois just wanted to fuck around, he wanted to have fun! I mean he was young, just shy of a full grown stallion but he has certainly grown interested in mares, and was ready to get himself out there. As he stepped into the meadow there was plenty of equines out and about, they were talking with one another, some shying away and standing by themselves.

    As he scanned the horizon there was one mare, one in particular. She was ebony in color and prancing around flaunting herself, he wanted the attention. He gave a laugh at the dance moves she did to draw attention to herself, he gave a whinny and pranced over to her himself, mimicking her dance. Hello there he snorted, his head was held high as he danced closer, extending his neck out to gently nip her hindquarters. you sure are a pretty thing he said with charm in his voice. He did not waste time like his brother Andras would, he was quick and to the point, she wanted attention and he certainly would give her some. He danced around her in circles, extending his neck every now and than to graze across her body, she smelled lovely and did not reek of any kingdoms that Beqanna offered. She must be new, but new wasn't bad that just means it should be easier to convince her to come with him.

    A Clever Person Solves A Problem, A Wise Person Avoids It

    I am heaven sent, don't you dare forget
    It doesn't take long, then again, it never does. Hardly before the can blink, she's attracted prey. This one, rather interesting on the eyes. She grins, her eyes tracing up and down his frame. Purple, on a man. How peculiar. He looks young to her, then again most men she attracts are the young and the eager. The ones who want to make a name for theirselves, find a string of mares to call their herd. As he dances toward her, Entendu expression becomes stoic. After all, she generally enjoys the advantage of the first move. A nip on her rump and she shakes her whole body, with no indication of if it's out of pure enjoyment or pure annoyance. She's fickle that way.

    The onyx female plays the uninterested card. Besides, he does seem quite young and she is not keen on dealing with children. Presumptuous of her to assume his maturity? Yes. Did she care? No. As far as she was concerned it was her way or the high way, although the constant grazes on her body were nothing to complain about. Physical attention was the best kind of attention. Finally, she parts her lips to speak.

    "You're damn right I'm pretty." She smirks, her heavy lashes batting. "Who are you, kiddo?"



    The bay and purple stallion gazed over the mare who did not appear to care for his presence, he playfully nipped at her and her face went blank; perhaps she was not the mare to play with. But she spoke up, and she was full of confidence, Of course I'm pretty she stated which he could not help but laugh. A smile a grew on her face and she seemed much more interested in him. She asked for his name in which he replied Francois, what is your name? He asked as he stepped closer. The mare did not hold a scent of a kingdom, in fact she did not hold a scent from these lands. She did not carry a stallions scent leaving him to assume she was not courted.

    His twin brother was the one to take over the legacy, the one to lead the herd when there father passes on but Francois had no worries. All that meant was he could go around and 'play' with all the mares he wanted without having to worry about there emotions. His brother would have to ensure the safety and well blend of the herd, were Francois did not need to do anything, he could spread his spawn and disappear if he wanted to. He was young and was just trying his hardest to learn the ropes of females and how to romance one. What are you doing out here all on your own? he asked stepping near again, they were only a pace or two away at this point.

    A Clever Person Solves A Problem, A Wise Person Avoids It


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