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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    looking for heaven found the devil in me ; karsi/any

    He offers her a gift she cannot resist. She is a fool to accept his offer, a dealing from the devil. There was no knowledge of what could happen from there. But, if you were wise enough, you knew better to take such an agreement from someone like Rodrik. He has always been selfish in nature and surely that would never change. The very actions and choices of his own were always for the higher good, the betterment for himself in the very end.

    The red stallion watches her carefully as she closes the space between him and her. He smiles softly when she accepts his offer. A fool is what he thinks of her now, and likely will always. Everyone is always so eager to taste the forbidden fruit. Rodrik has always know better than to do so; instead he offered such forbidden things to others. A demon never resorted to his own tricks—he was better than that.

    When Karsi moves to his side, he smiles at her with a smirk. His nutmeg gaze lights up with satisfaction. Rodrik is no newcomer to this game of seduction. He is no fool to what the intent is from another when they pour themselves out. Rodrik, however, has only come close to loving another. A love he wonders was perhaps even fathomable to happen between another and him. He lets the thought simply drop away and nips at her mane playfully. “I do hope you are, Kari,” he says playfully and makes his way towards Pangea.

    Their journey to Pangea is not easy. The field and Pangea are at opposite ends of Beqanna. There are mountains and water sources they must pass over. It was not an easy trail to follow, nor would the land be for the weaker hearted. Pangea—proud and resilient—was a place for the wicked who did not rest. But, in time and with Rodrik guiding, they have made it to the wasteland. Pangea borders along the west coast, close to the plains and the other land named Nerine, which lays north of them.

    Rodrik turns to peer at her when he comes to a halt, entering into the wasteland. “We are here.” he says with a large smirk. The smirk upon his face widens as he then turns away to peer at the wasteland spreading out before them.
    character info: here | character reference: here | image © rostyslav zagornov
    I watch him as I stand there, allowing myself to be vulnerable and subjected to his inspection. I can practically see the whirl of gigs and cogs behind the soft brown of his eyes. I remain as I always am. Solid and unflinching. My heart will not allow me to feel anything and so I accept and embrace my ability to not give a fuck.

    Rodrik murmurs a few words that I am not hearing. I am eager to leave the field as I am feeling a malicious outburst welling up in the thick ugly darkness that pumps through my veins. I am noting more than the horse I was born and do not care to be any thing other.

    My blue eyes remain fixed on the stallion when he finally moves to start this trek to my new 'home'. One leg in front of the other, I watch the scenery change from beneath the bone white of my forelock. I have not seen much of the old Beqanna, let alone the new, with the exception of my one time visit to the Jungle and when I lived amongst the dead at the Beach but this was all new and I allow my gaze to drift from the ruddy backside of Rodrik as he sways in from of me in steady paces.

    When the blue of my limbs are now stained a rusted orange and the sand stings my skin, he announces our arrival. I am not sure if I am pleased or disappointed. It does not matter either way for this is Pangea. My attention returns to Rodrik and I look straight at him through slit eyes as the sun it too bright and the sand granules are not a fun feeling being lodged in my eyes. "Home sweet home." My remark is punctuated with small smile that quickly drains from my lips. I take the liberty of giving the area another glance before speaking over my shoulder to my companion, "How long have you lived her Rodrik?" The question is short and forward as I want to know hoe seasoned the chestnut stallion is. I do not care to waste my time of ceaseless chatter but instead use my words with a purpose.
    your hips on my jawline

    There is truly nothing beautiful about Pangea physically or even pleasing for the eye to see. There is a deeper meaning beyond the physical likeness of this wasteland. Rodrik sees something greater than what is shown on the surface. He sees below the surface of the dry land and howling of the wind that constantly plays a haunting song. There is greatness in the making, the potential of power and prosperity. But, he knows like before, that such things come with time and hard work. Rome was never built in a day.

    Rodrik turns to peer back at Kari when the question of his residency comes up. “Pangea has been my home from the beginning.” He licks his lips dryly when he remembers the day he found the creator and the group that gave up a piece of themselves for its creation. “Carnage created and shaped this land for the likes of us.” The red devil laughs a little at that.

    It was beyond what the fairies of Beqanna wanted to teach all of them. They wanted everyone to remember they were given blessings and to not take advantage of Beqanna. However, Carnage was not affected by such teachings. He took what he wanted without question. “Though it definitely did not come out as planned.” He adds, commenting on the deadness of the land.
    character info: here | character reference: here | image © rostyslav zagornov

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