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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    darkness is coming to swallow the light; kirin
    I looked at my mother dear, didn't even crack a smile.
    Said if woman don't kill me I don't mind dying.
    It would be hard to say that the activity yin the valley's herd lands was able to go unnoticed. For they all seemed to be bustling with activity especially within the cove. Like most of Beqanna Demian had come to hear of Kirin and his constantly growing family. The tales were laced of followers and fmaily being blessed with power that most would kill to have. And this of course peaked his iinterest. He had always found the unusual quite interesting and he had a hard time curbing his curiosity for the unknown.

    The idea of making a trip to Silver Cover had been sitting in the back of his mind, almost patiently as the jaguar king made his first steps toward regaining his position as king in the Valley. Now though that had come and passed with success, Demian found himself more able to make trips he knew would be worth his time. And so stepping away from the small but steadily growing group in the Valley, the jaguar king made his way south towards the ocean side where Silver cove could be found.

    It took only a few hours, but he soon felt the soft sand beneath his hooves as they sank gently and with a soft snort he took in the salty sea air and sighed softly. He always had loved the smell of the ocean and on days when the wind was strong enough the salty air would travel throughout the Valley bringing him a sense of longing for the sound of crashing waves. The cove truly was one of those perfect places to call home and if he wasn't so stuck on the Valley, like Kirin, Demian probably would have chosen this place as well.

    Kirin. The thought of the stallion keeps him moving through the soft sands until finally he comes to a stop, allowing the winter sun to wash over his back and warm his cool coat. If he had still had his eyes the graying stallion would have closed them, enjoying the sound of the waves crashing against the sturdy shore and relishing in the feeling of his mane being blown around occasionally by the soft wind.

    He doesn't care how long he has to wait, he does so patiently knowing that he will eventually be found as it is hard for him to go unnoticed when he held such an unusual appearance. In the soft light of the winter, the glowing of his spots surrounded him in a soft orange glow and as time passed his body warmed with the touch of the sun and he became comfortable, relaxed even as he dozed on the Cove's beach.
    D E M I A N
    html copyright to the lovely call
    And she'll always get the best of me, the worst is yet to come
    All the misery was necessary when we're deep in love
    Even in the heart of winter the Cove was burning with life. Much like a burning house, flames licking the sides as they flicker against the sky. But the first thing you notice about something that is burning is not that it is burning, but that it is burning with such intensity.

    This fire did not burn deep red and orange either, it burned a livid purple. It burned consistent with the flame of the living, accentuated with the smoke of those that were no longer allowed to burn. It would be difficult for it to be otherwise, Kirin had personally seen to many of the lives that now bloomed into being. It was a beautiful thing if you asked him and if you didn’t, he’d likely tell you so anyway.

    Of course with so much commotion taking place in his home, it did not surprise him that her highness had come to visit. Or, that was whom he thought it was at first, flying far off out over the ocean as he was. Upon closer inspection he saw that it was not dear, ancient, Gallows as he had first believed. This was someone else, though he smelled distinctly of the Valley as she had.

    Not only was this someone new, this new someone was snoozing on his beach. The nerve. Kirin’s lavender lips slipped into a frown, his eyes narrowing at this dozing lump. Just who had she sent to him?

    He twists himself into a dive, lighting the earth with a graceful touch, wrapping himself in a feathered shawl. Kirin’s frown turns into a look of disgust, the man’s eyes clearly burned from his skull- dreadful.

    “Enjoying a nap sir? Well, Gallows has an interesting sort of humor then, what has she sent you for?’ There’s no reason he should know of crowns passing, no reason to know this man. Truly Gallows alliance had not really fruited because Kirin did not work for free, she’d never given him any hopes of spoils.

    son of Khaos
    I looked at my mother dear, didn't even crack a smile.
    Said if woman don't kill me I don't mind dying.
    It was absolutely peaceful. The fact that he had been able to doze on the beach without interruption had Demian almost wishing for the quiet life a herd brought. But deep down he knew he would miss the Valley and the hustle and bustle that kingdom life liked to bring his members. Not to mention he'd also miss the responsibility. During his time of isolation after having given Fennick and Gallows the throne, Demian had come to find that his short time as king the first go around had taught him to love hard work.

    It only takes a while though, for his nap to go undisturbed and his presence to be noted. Soon the jaguar king hears the light landing of an equine a short distance away and with a prick of his ears he turns his head in the direction the landing was made. It is during the silence of the other's observation that the once again found fire within him twists and turns, creeping it's way through his veins as he waits for Kirin to approach. There was no doubt that the way Kirin wrapped his wings around himself, grimacing at Demian's eye sockets, would have brought a bit of amusement to the stallion.

    It is only when Kirin speaks that the fire ignites, twisting and turning in a bright array of purples, greens and blues, slowly forming a set of eyes. The fire licked at the edges of the stallions sockets without harm, and with a small quirk of his lips he smirked slightly. "I was actually," his tone is full of amusement as Kirin's shape comes into view made entirely out of flame. "But Gallows didn't send me. She has been missing for quite a while now." He grows quiet then allowing the news to sink in. He knew that Kirin probably had noticed her absence yet he felt the announcing it was the best way to go so as not to cause any doubts.

    "I'm Demian, I've recently taken the role of King in the Valley. I came here because I heard rumors of the Valley making an alliance with you and your herd and I have intentions of following through with your terms in order to solidify that alliance and make it real." In these oncoming times of war, Demian needed all the able and willing alliances he could find and he knew without a doubt that Kirin and his family were a solid group to hae on their side. "So if you're willing to continue forward, we can set the terms and do that now." Finally growing silent Demian studied the stallion infront of him and waited patiently for his reply. Shifting his weight slightly and then rolling his shoulders slowly the stallion straightened the best he could despite his body sinking into the soft sands of the beach.
    D E M I A N
    html copyright to the lovely call

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