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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  I tried to sell my soul last night; Tahti

    I tried to sell my soul last night
    Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite

    Figures. What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Figures. What kind of stupid-ass response is that?

    Tucking his wings against his sides once more, he narrows his eyes at her, shifting until he can glare more fully. The hell if he was asking though, stubborn ass that he is. Nope. No way, no how. She could choke on her goddamned weak-ass attempts at cagey responses. With a rather disgusted snort, he turns away again, ignoring her. Figures.

    Like she knows him anyway? She’s a fucking kid. And let me tell you, he does not deal in kids. Never has, never will. Hell, even when he is a kid tells the other kids just exactly where they can fuck off to. Ugh, all that childish innocence. Disgusting really. And honestly, what kind of shit mother would say ‘Oh yeah, seems like a great kid to hang around!’? Nope, one f-bomb and they always threatened to run tell mom. Yeah, you go tell mom you fucking punk.

    Of course he can’t have helped but notice this one’s different. He’s not fucking blind, deaf, or dumb. Probably the only reason he hadn’t told her to fuck off yet. Oh wait, maybe he had. Oops. Still, she’s the dumbass who stayed.

    Fucking hell, he’s actually kinda curious now.

    Nope. Nope nope nope. Still scowling, he walks a few steps away, finding a patch of grass that isn’t totally ruined yet. Dropping his head, he yanks angrily at the vegetation. He could ignore unpleasant nuisances with the best of them. No matter how fucking irritating or intriguing they are.


    we are stars wrapped in skin

    The biggest idiot she could find, indeed. She revels in the moment, and when he seems about to ask then makes a stubborn face, she cuckles. He walks away, and she starts an uncontrollable giggle. He munches on the dead grass, and she gasps for air between her laughs, she can’t help it, but he’s being so damn ridiculous about not wanting to ask, she nearly can keep herself upright.

    It goes on like that for a long whilr, and when she’s tired of laughing, she still chuckles silently.

    Still making stifled sounds then, she looks at the grey man. Takes a few long breaths, watching him turn away from her, ignore her, “eat” the grass. It takes her so long to stabilize herself, she knows it’s only curiosity keeping him about (if he’s still listening and hasn’t walked away even further, that is).

    She has one question though. ”So if I killed you, you’d come back a newborn?”

    She cocks her head at him knowingly, but lets him connect the dots. Or not. She sure as hell isn’t going to help him by actually calling him dad, or father. He’s none of those things to her anyway; she only had a mother. Alright, and two (unrelated) aunts. And he doesn’t want to ask her name, either, so why would she tell him? She’s just curious if he is the one reaponsible for her weird type of immortality. She’d always blamed him for that, but what did she know anyway, it might be some weird fairy trick or something either grandparent had had. But it would be... good, she thinks, to know these things.

    She wonders if there is a way to kill him in her current disadvantaged body though. Probably not. She would not be able to drown him or push him off a ledge with those wings of his. Theirs.

    the light you are searching
    has always been within
    ©Vanilla Custard


    I tried to sell my soul last night
    Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite

    He does his damned best to ignore her as he rips angrily at the grass. Even while she fucking laughs at him. Hell, if he were any less fucking secure in himself, he’d kick her in the goddamned teeth. But he isn’t. So she could make a fool out of herself all she fucking wished. He sure as hell wouldn’t stop her.

    Honestly, at this point, he’s wondering if there’s really any point to hanging around anymore. Clearly she was having waaaaayyy too much fun. At his fucking expense. He’s not that desperate. She’d been the one following him around anyway. What the fuck was he actually staying for?

    Jerking his head up, he scowls into the distance, deliberately continuing to ignore her. For fuck’s sake. There had to be a good spot around here where he could get some goddamned peace and quiet. Somewhere annoyingly persistent little fillies couldn’t find him. Which brings him to a decision, and he’s damned near ready to take off for the hills when her words catch him by surprise.

    He stills, features darkening dangerously as the import of what she’d said registers. Hell and damnation. “Fucking try it and I’ll kick your ass into next week,” he growls, eyes glittering as his gaze snaps to her, still in the pond.

    He’s not a total idiot. He’d never met anyone with his particular curse. Shit. Shit shit shit. He didn’t need a fucking kid hanging around. Even if she was his. And really it’s no use trying to remember who the fuck her mom might be. Hell, he’s not a damned monk. He’d slept with so many women it’d be useless trying to wrack his brain to figure out just where the hell she’d sprung from. Besides, at some point, names and faces really just start to blur together.

    What the fuck could she possibly want with a useless, deadbeat dad anyway? He’s got two skills, and only one she could appreciate (he’s not a total goddamned reprobate). And right now she’d by squashed like a fucking bug in a fight anyway, even if she had inherited his penchant for violence. Besides, he doesn’t teach war, he only makes it.


    we are stars wrapped in skin

    She giggles. Still in her delighted mood, she can't take anything he says serious now, and to be frank, it is way too much fun to get him so upset that he flees from her. Oh, but she just might try. Someday. When she's just a little bigger, not stuck in this baby body like now.

    She trots around him, head high, her amber gaze and her wings the only thing she inherited from her mother so she doubts he recognizes anything in her - with a grin, she eyes him. "You don't remember. Gorgeous. Wait till I tell her that..." She pauses, muses over this. "Anyway, nice meeting you, dad." With that, she takes off running, her childish giggle staying with him longer than he probably wanted to.

    the light you are searching
    has always been within
    ©Vanilla Custard

    @[Ashhal] seemed like a good end xD

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