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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i just want to have fun and - get rowdy
    when i walk inside the party - girls on me

    Man, it’d been a long time since he’d seen her. He couldn’t help but be curious what she had been up to and what she might look like now. Definitely remembered that beautiful red that had caught his eye so long ago as children.

    So, naturally he wandered off to find her. Her family, like a few others scattered around the island, kept largely to themselves, though he knew his mom liked hers which was in itself a pretty big deal. Mom didn’t get along with many people at all, most certainly not other women. They didn’t seem to get her sharp humor, maybe. Sometimes brutal, that humor, and he heard she used to have such a blazing fire in her eyes and so wildly defiant. Never saw it for himself though, but maybe their Queen Ea was the only one she’d ever accept as her superior.

    Thoughts for another time, though.

    He walked despite that he’d finally learned to fly, just a languid sort of moseying along as he trailed after her quiet thoughts, not really listening. Just a scent to follow, really. Just the way he tracked people down when he wanted to see them. Didn't want to pry, of course, not that he could help it much. So he only paid attention to her silent voice, and not what it was thinking for only him to hear.

    She got a little louder as he drew closer. Distance was a limit to his telepathy, naturally. But when he found her, he pulled right up alongside her just as he had so long ago. It had made her uncomfortable back then, he thought he remembered, but maybe she'd changed her mind? He was so used to affection and a warm body snuggled up to his, typically with his wing draped over them as he did then, letting it fall lightly on her spine and cup around her opposite side for a brief hug.

    "Hi, stranger," he beamed with a light-hearted little nuzzle pressed to her neck, grey eyes laughing. Then he took a step aside, just in case she didn't like it still; didn't want to upset her or make her angry at him. His lavender-and-white marbled wing returned to his own side and folded in, comfortably at ease as he tilted his head and studied her. Definitely bigger than last time, and so was he. Still so attractive, too. Oh, yeah, and her as well, of course.

    He grinned after having a quick glance over her, lifting his eyes back to hers again. "How've you been, Allure? How's your family doing?"

    Quotes are speech. Italics are telepathy

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