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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  i do not want to move mountains


    Her gaze, golden eyes mixed with warm fascination and slightly colder envy, lingers on Herrin as they talk magic and shapeshifting. His divulgence is paired with the morphing of his ears and the unfurling of leathery wings, and as much as she wants to frown at her own magical shortcomings, Lillibet can’t quite hold in the small giggle that’s coaxed out by his display. ”That’s an interesting combination,” she adds as her airy laugh drifts away between moss-covered tree trunks and intertwined boughs. For a fleeting moment, she thinks to reassure him that she means good interesting and not bad, but the moment passes with her own silent reassurance that he certainly doesn’t care what her impressions are.

    ”My dad and twin can both shift,” the ethereal girl tells him out of habit, only remembering that neither Ledger or Link are around anymore once the words have slipped free of her mouth. Her throat tightens, threatening to grow warm with emotion, but Lillibet rasps it away before putting in her best effort to continue without a hiccup ─ ”I, however, can only glow.” Bitterness twists the edges of her words despite the indifferent way she confesses what she lacks. Most impressive in the night when the moon has waned to darkness or hidden behind the clouds, Lillibet’s only magical ability is to act the part of an angelic beacon whether she wants to or not.

    Seamlessly, the bygone Princess of Sylva guides their conversation to what they will do next. ”Yeah, Pangea, I think.” Oceane had fostered diplomacy in her children ─ it would certainly have been a conversation if she’d failed to remember the name of the territory where her own older brother had one been held captive. And though she has offered her solution partially in jest, Herrin agrees after only a few moments of consideration. Lillibet’s jaw hangs slack, though only for a quick second, before an excited grin forces its way onto her pretty narrow face. ”I’m sure there’s something more than just a canyon,” she gifts him with a quick roll of her golden eyes before extending her neck, forsaking any type of personal bubble that make exist, and nipping half-playfully at his buckskin tobiano neck.

    ”But you can’t just leave all the boring diplomatics to me while you hide in a cave,” Lillibet’s eyes turn soft as she recoils, pressing her nose briefly to her lithe chest in a display of faux innocence, ”We have to at least take turns.”

    I do not want to move mountains;
    I want the mountains to see me coming
    and to crumble.

    ------H E R R I N
    in short:--------------------------------------------------
    all good things are wild and free

    It is an interesting combination, so he nods agreeably. His three shapes: bat, horse, and cheetah. They’re shapes he has had since birth, and the idea of not having them all is as strange as the combination of them might seem to others. It doesn’t ever occur to him that others might think them strange though, because Herrin has always cared little for the opinions of others.

    Doing so was easy when you avoided interacting with them, of course.

    That also makes it easier to miss small cues like the way her voice grows slightly more raspy after the mention of her father and brother. She can only glow, Lillibet says, and though Herrin has no way to be sure she is telling the truth, he is somehow quite certain that she is.

    “No,” he tells her, “I will always be in the cave.”

    That isn’t strictly true (he’ll come out at night), but it’s better to be firm in situations like these. Or so Herrin hopes, having never been in such a situation. He is now curious about this Pangea and the opportunity to explore new caves in his smallest form, but the idea of diplomacy is not at all appealing. In truth, he's not entirely sure what it entails, but feels oddly reluctant to admit this to Lillibet. 

    “You can claim Pangea, and I will claim the biggest cave.”


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