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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [PQ - in progress] mossy bones in a wood

    From the sodden shores a black capped beast comes slinking. The waves hiss at his back, glad to be rid of him. He is Tunnel and he comes from the bottom of something, the end of something, the abandoned and empty and all but dessicated place beyond the furthest place you can think of. A spring rain has fallen and all the world is as wet as he is. The dark fragrant earth gives way beneath his hooves as he mounts the steep hills beyond the grey beach. The trees beyond are dark, and there is a smell of death borne on a cold evening wind. Something rotting in the forest, a clouded eye, as yet unplucked by the crows, is staring sightless.

    He does not see the corpse, does not search for it, does not avoid it. Into the shadows he delves, sliding into the evergreens and leaving the coast once more deserted.

    Here beneath the trees the wind is broken, and the chill does not seep into his corded muscles. Trees wave their hands over him, a shaman’s blessing, a madman’s curse. In the dark he looks back, can still see the black water beyond the trees. He goes no further tonight but waits here in the inky shadows, concealed by darkness and the fragrance of death.


    In the feeble light before dawn, the forest is a muted blue, misty and cold from the autumn rain. Moss grows on old bones, cracked and scattered among the ferns. The creature steps over them slowly, considers a jawbone, his breath rising in a fog. When he lifts his head and looks at the trees around him his brow draws in recognition, a muscle fluttering in his jaw. It has been a long time. The dull roar of high tide is distant, and he angles his bulky head toward the sound, but his thoughts are not betrayed by the hard lines of his face. There is no scent of death to conceal him this morning. He does not linger.

    The mountain waits to the north, the river marking the way. He’s spent a great deal of time in this river of late though he doesn’t credit it with “washing” him of anything. No, if anything he has been too long a monster, and the forest has grown bored of him. He gives it this kind of credit, believing it a dark-hearted organism without realizing it.

    Tunnel is strong but the journey is hard, a trial to whet the appetite for further trials but he does not turn aside. It does not rain anymore when he reaches the place where one might dare speak to god-kin, a faerie, because the heavy clouds are below him. “I would like to know what has changed, why I am different.” Awake, wary of his actions and… impulses. In the cold silence, he raises his head, waiting to learn what remains of the Monster.


    Tunnel is attempting to quest for Feral State Manipulation.
    the heart moving through a tunnel
    in it darkness, darkness, darkness
    She appears, unimpressed as she always is with the mortals who visit her. And yet, it is she more than any of her sisters who bothers to come at all, so perhaps she cares more than she will ever admit. But still, her face is unimpressed, hardly matching the swirling, purple glitter on her body or the purple wysteria of her mane and tail. A cruel thing in a pretty package. "I do not see why it is our job to find that answer for you. Go, and seek your own answers. Come back when you have learned something."


    Have at least 3 threads trying to figure out why Tunnel is different and report what you learn.

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