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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Somewhere, something
    Do you want to know why I use a knife?
    Guns are too quick. You can't savor all the...
    little emotions. In... You see, in their
    last moments, people show you who they
    really are. So, in a way, I know your friends
    better than you ever did.
    The softest of whisper carries through the edge of the meadow as the silver ghost effortlessly floats to no destination or certain point.
    You could say his purpose has become more of a gander to nothing than a step with purpose to something.
    He lost himself in the quest for his father—the obvious longing for acceptance a cloud that snuffed away the flame that burned motivation and curiosity. What is there left to be curious about when your brain isn’t willing to explore it?
    And so here he is, aimless and confused. Stuck. Lost.
    Purple curtains wind-knotted and tied hang long below his lathered neck, a sweat more likely from anxiety than from the journey he walked. A cool breeze chilling his chin lifts his attention. It isn’t until he realizes the dramatic cast of shadows that he sees the sun begin to fall behind the land’s fence of forest, evening almost at end and night nearly set.
    He didn’t mind the dark; the twinkle of stars and the soft coo of night birds an experience he had grown fond of in his recent years. The stars remind him of her, and she had been the only grounding creature he had met.
    A sharp grip pulls at his heart as he curses to himself beneath his breath, remembering the time of her entrance and the unbearable balance of his father. Had she entered now things would have been different.
    But she didn’t, and he is too embarrassed to face her. So now he stands as the sun begins to creep itself to sleep, watching desperately for the first glimmer to show and for his heart to feel that small amount closer to the true star in his eyes.
    Sometimes he swears he can almost smell her.


    Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
               your young men will see visions,
               your old men will dream dreams.
                                         - Acts 2:17
    How long has she avoided everything?  She had sat back so long and watched everything and everyone live life, grow, conquer, and fall in her life and she didn’t do a damn thing. Did she feel guilty?  Maybe at first, now she didn’t know... she didn’t care to know. Of course Taiga was her home, it would always be her home. But, right now this is what she needed, places she hadn’t been in years, quiet solitude.

    Her gold scales had  begun to recede across her buckskin body, as she moved from thicker brush into the meadow, remaining only along her neck and the underside of her belly. Her glow was in full force a soft purple encasing her body as the sun slipped away behind her. Her purple eyes watch, with out watching, the path she travels aimlessly.

    What would Lilli think of her, and Leilan? Did it really matter? She was no one now, just a forgotten matriarch that had locked herself away in her own pain. She had not used her peace induction since the forest had burned, and she had lost all control of who she thought she was. Was she really much different? She didn’t want to know. Maybe that is why she had avoided everyone that had known her before.. before everything.

    Sometimes she remembers.


    But, then she always finds herself somewhere else.

    A cool breeze drifts along the summer evening, pulling her out of her nothingness, dragging with it an unfamiliar scent. She pulls it in along with the coolness that touches her skin, a saving grace from the summers unrelenting heat. Her amethyst eyes focus, taking in the silver ghost like stallion standing not far from her. ”Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude. I thought...” what? What did she think? That she would be alone? Perpetually alone? ”.. well it doesn’t really matter what I thought. she said her voice soft, but some what rough from lack of use. She offered him a small, embarrassed close lipped smile. 
    forget me not; but never remember


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