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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  only then i am clean
    She remembers so little.
    The warmth that her sister’s venom had chased through her veins.
    A brilliant flash of light and then some great garden where the roses had flung themselves at her feet. A world without pain or hunger or the bitter pang of thirst.
    She awakens and thinks it a dream. Because she does not remember how she had traveled, tirelessly, to the gate and then emerged from it again. She does not remember how it felt to return to her mortal body. That sharp sting of being alive. The roses were a fever dream, the gnashing of her sister’s teeth, the faint, faint sound of her mother screaming as the world went dark.

    How cliché.

    She awakens and rises from where she had lay dying there on the forest floor. She stretches the weary limbs, thinks the stiffness odd. She shakes off the dream, never one for dwelling, and begins to move. There, on her neck where she cannot see them, are her mortal wounds. The place where all the poison went in. And how like her, not to fight it. To simple stare into the darkness as her sister took shape, beckoned her to come fight, and she had remained motionless. Because she had known.

    But she has forgotten now. Or, at the very least, written it off as a peculiar dream.
    She moves into the sunlight, lets its warmth sink bone-deep. She loiters there, turns her gaze to and fro, realizes that she does not know the way home. She drags in a shuddering breath then, summoning what little courage has ever existed at the pit of her. Too little to convince her to rail against the death that had come for her but enough to convince her to approach a stranger nearby.

    Sorry to bother you,” she says and surprises herself with the rust in her throat. How long had she been asleep? “Do you know the way to Tephra?

    you are sacred because i have made you sacred.
    He has always taken that which he felt entitled to. Why wait for an invitation, why be gentle when strength was so clearly what made the globe spin? Gentle kisses and soft words never made history. Not the way he wants to, anyway. And why shouldn’t he feel deserving of all that he’s taken when the grasses and flowers rush up to meet him? The country is aching to give itself to him! It was be heinous not to accept.

    And this is precisely what he thinks when the girl approaches him, all doe eyes and some kind of foggy confusion on her face. Her voice is so tired when she asks the way to Tephra. Beelzebub is, of course, a gentleman who smiles so kindly at her question. Quick as a flash, he’s curled himself to her side and draped a scaled wing across her back – too tight, too rough. This one is a dove with no fight in it, he thinks with that charming grin.

    Oh, I think I know the way to Tephra. I’ll walk you there so I know you’ve made it safely,” he insists, his lips too close to her skin when he speaks. All the better to taste her with. But he does not sample her neck just yet. Bee has decided to bide his time with this one and sink his hooks in gradually. In the distance, he can hear a gentle spring rain starting up while the forest flowers and mushrooms reach up to brush their ankles.

    Do you live in Tephra… I’m so sorry, I haven’t even asked your name, beautiful stranger,” he says with a laugh that feels like summer sunsets. They’re moving east, farther from her destination and closer to the kingdoms where captives are common to see. But he feigns absolute confidence in his strides and his grip on her seems uneager to loosen any time soon.
    there is no burning that i did not create.

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