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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    Badimira love child!! -x
    Very special baby!! <3333

    The daddy:
    Arabian/Connemara hybrid
    Red dun with violet points
    ee/aa/Dd (with violet points)
    Horn, wings, immortal
    tegteg [HORN][IMMORTALITY][WINGS][blight]
    Ashley x Azlyn

    The mommy:
    Dragon shifting, serial immortality
    tegteg [SERIAL IMMORTALITY][DRAGON SHIFTING][wings][infrared vision]
    Ashhal x Ryatah

    The baby(ies) to be played by AbbyNormal:
    (m) Braxx, Kiernan
    (f) Rhysa, Feyra
    Boy names checked in database, girl names are both reserved by me

    Thank you fairies!!
    Simeon - Malyk - Navarro - Idina - Reilly - Triske - Pesky - Smidgen - Zoryn - Briske - Amara - Shona - Damali - Benjemin - Juciphena - Neal - Tatum - Skyfire - Dizorien - Badden - Rokja - Zavage - Silke
    (96, 10, NA, 29)

    Arabian hybrid
    Red dun with bright white points (ee/aa/Dd)
    Badden x Casimira
    Serial Immortality*, wings, blight
    tegteg [SERIAL IMMORTALITY][WINGS][BLIGHT][horn][dragon mimicry]
    Played by AbbyNormal
    Due January
    Breedable in July

    * - she rolled to carry both immortality and serial immortality, if you prefer one to the other post and I'll change it
    I love her Sooo much!! Thank you!!

    Think am gonna go with Serial immortality. Thanks again
    Simeon - Malyk - Navarro - Idina - Reilly - Triske - Pesky - Smidgen - Zoryn - Briske - Amara - Shona - Damali - Benjemin - Juciphena - Neal - Tatum - Skyfire - Dizorien - Badden - Rokja - Zavage - Silke

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