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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [complete]  come along to the river; results
    I've seen crazy things - out in the forest,
    I've seen monsters chasing dreams
    Even though they were all already dead, and it would have been unlikely for them all to be able to return to life anyway, her heart aches at knowing she has failed. Shaken from reliving her own death, this time in more than just her dreams, Nikkai stumbles to the shallows of the waterfall, head hanging low. Every bruise and ache that she didn’t feel the first time – she’d died at the bottom, after all; but now she can feel it with every breath.

    After she speaks to them, she leaves them for several tense moments to discuss their choices while she wracks her own mind, trying to figure a way out. This was supposed to help, not hurt more people. Maybe, she thinks, the problem was that even with magic, she was spread too thin. Chewing on that, she lifts her dark gaze to hear their varied responses. Most choose to return, to take the fight back to life, and try to right the world. A few make a different choice – sending back loved ones because their life was too short, or they feel their loved one would be better suited to the task.

    But if she is going to try not spreading herself as thin, she has to choose between them.

    “Gather round, then, and let us return,” she says quietly, solemnly, trying not to look towards the ones they must leave behind; afraid she will see familiar faces of her own in the crowd. “Remember what you experienced here; something is not right in the world and if we are vigilant, perhaps we can fix it.”

    “A couple of you may find you return with…more than you had before.” Slowly, she turns to look at the youngest mare amongst them a little closer, remember the way all of Warlight’s decisions had resonated with her throughout. “And perhaps I, too, have learned about myself.”

    From the start to the end, the actions of one have stood out the most to Nikkai. Her bravery did not go unnoticed, nor did the sacrifices she made to reach her brother or to keep him safe. Nikkai-the-magic-entity will be returning to life with @[Warlight], to take her magic to the land of Warlight’s choice. Additionally, Warlight will be awarded Emotional Telepathy*.

    For sheer creativity in meeting all challenges, ending in a brave choice to return to life and make a stand, @[Red Mare] is awarded the trait of Duplication. May it serve you well.

    Bravery comes in many different forms; not everyone is destined to be on the front lines of a fight. For perseverance and the ability to make hard choices, even when it means playing the supporting role instead of the star of the show, @[brigade] is awarded the trait of Power Augmentation.

    ->Nikkai-the-magic-entity is choosing Warlight. What that entails, exactly, you'll have to find out IC. However, you do need to know that she will have certain powers/gifts and Warlight must attach her to a land. It can be any type of land (herd, territory, or Kingdom). Warlight can talk to her first or just go ahead and take her to a land (tag me so I don't miss it!); also, as an unaffiliated contestant she may choose a land, or auction the entity off to the highest bidder; the important thing is that it MUST happen IC, including any explanations Nikkai chooses to give.
    ->Due to the nature of this quest (being alive was not a requirement), there is a chance you were awarded a trait and the character is dead and won't be played. Because of this, you have the option of transferring this trait to a different character; however you must do this with an IC post of at least 500 words. Remember right now the line between life and death is blurred, so they could meet on the beach or as a ghost or a vision or a dream or whatever. 
    ->Traits are genetic; please submit an update with the final recipient as well as a link to the post if you are transferring the trait.
    ->Thanks for participating <3

    & I wanna be by your side
    when we light up the sky for the world to see
    html by devin | lyrics by The National Parks
    @[Warlight] Sorry not sure how this didn't get copied and pasted *facepalm*

    *Emotional Telepathy – 2 space – The ability to forge a telepathic bond with anyone with whom the user has a strong emotional connection. This includes the ability to share thoughts and feelings. The bond will be stronger with strong emotional connections.

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