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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I Hate That I Love You |Warlight|
    Every Story Has Two Sides

    It was nearly half a year since Warlight came back....with Raul. So much was left unsaid, so much has changed and it was all getting to much for Clayton. His chest had grown heavy with every passing day, why was talking to her so hard?

    It was never a hard task before, he was embarassed of how they left things. Embarassed that he let her go, when he should have fought harder for her. That being said he has come to peace with the outcome, he was more than willing to dedicate himself to appreciate her the way she deserves. But he would not be walked on, if she wasn't willing to love him...perhaps it was best they remain friends. 

    The thought alone made his heart ache, he would wait as long as he had to...until he hurt her..until she realized he was always the right one for her. The two were always inseparable as children, and unfortunately it led him to be an awkward stallion. It was always so easy around her, but since they had there falling out he has talked to many other equines and has grown more confident than ever. 

    Warlight , he calls her name out. He hopes to be able to catch her, alone, without the annoying Raul who seems to be stuck at her hip. Warlight! He calls out again as he casually trots through the cove, seeking out the dual horned mare. 

    @[Warlight] Figured I would get this up for them, respond whenever you get a chance  ^^
    [Image: clayton_by_cowgirlconrad-dcmmo18.png]


    Clay may have been talking to many others, but Will had talked to hardly anyone. In the days after their tense diplomatic trip to the autumn forest, the once boisterous girl had spent more and more time alone. 

    Raul's healings kept her going- they were bright moments in her miserable existence - but they did little to improve her overall condition. After her time he offered her relief, she always came crashing back down form the high of feeling fine again. And those next mornings were always the worst- after she has been freed of her disease for a few beautiful hours only to wake up sick, balding, and coughing blood. She didn't feel like a warrior princess anymore; she barely felt alive.

    But tonight is a relatively good night and the antlered mare finds herself alert and standing beside the peaceful cove, her gaze idly wandering across Hyaline's distant mountains. 

    Clayton's call startles her momentarily, something which would have been uncharacteristic of Yearling-Will. For the first time in her life, she feels embarrassed to be seen by her childhood friend, and she is glad for the meager privacy the moonless night provides her. 

    "Clay!" she calls in the direction of his voice, regardless of her first wash of hesitation, "I'm over here."

    Silver light reflects off the coves waters -despite the lack of moonlight: a puzzle Will had yet to solve -  illuminating her body with pale waves of delicate light. She waits, her expression curious and warm, knowing it will be easier for the young stallion to find her along the shore than it would be for her to snuff him out in the dark of the lightly wooded uplands. 

    — soul as sweet as blood red jam —

    I know I really, really should reply to the other thread first but this came so easily and I was tired after writing a Solace mega-diplomacy post XD
    [Image: Warlightpageddoll1.png]
    Every Story Has Two Sides
    It seems that fate is on his side today, he calls out for her desperately. He didn't know if he would even be able to find her but then he hears his name being called out recognizes the voice as Warlight's. She calls out once again, I'm over here , and with that he heads towards her voice.

    He only traveled a bjt betore she was in sight, as beautiful as ever. He gazed for a moment as the moon hit her antlers perfectly, from his position they looked like they were glowing. He shakes his head, clearing his wishful thinking.

    Will , he says her name gently as he stops before her. He could not get a perfect view of her due to the lack of light, although she looked much better than she had in the previous days. He extends his maw, nearly touching hers before pulling back in.

    A touch he so eagerly desired, but did not want to push his luck. I'm sorry Will....for everything , for confessing his love, for his harsh words, for giving her to much space. I've missed you Warlight, I just want my friend back , his ears lowered back as his heart pounds with anxiety. His heart felt heavy as everyday over the past six months he wished Warlight was by his side, but instead they were living seperate lives. He wasn't sure how she would respond, but if he couldn't love her, he at least needed her friendship.

    @[Warlight] <3
    [Image: clayton_by_cowgirlconrad-dcmmo18.png]


    His apology is casts a broad net and leaves her a little confused, but it seems heartfelt, and she likes to hear what comes after it. 

    "That sounds good, Clay," she agrees, brushing her muzzle briefly against his as it is stretched out to her. The last few months had been a confusing mess for her, and she had missed him. But he had added to that confusion but she felt more comfortable forgetting about it than delving into the hows and whys. 

    "I want my friend back too." 

    A cough rattles her thin frame, expelling a fine mist of blood onto the sand. She can't see it, but she knows it's there. What had happened in Pangea seems to hang in the air between them. It was something she had only told Rhae about. She hadn't even allowed Kagerus into her dreams since that day, it had been the only way to hide the event from her mothers. But with everyone so busy recently it hadn't been difficult to do that - something which would have been impossible a year ago. 

    As the pause stretches she wonders if she should tell him, or if the information will be too much for him. Would he even want to admit to knowing her anymore if he knew she had taken part in a man's murder? Would he confide her secret in others, putting her place in The Sanctuary at risk? 

    She opens her mouth to speak, but she can't bring herself to do it. Within a moment, her mood had completely shifted. 

    "You went to Ischia, with Kensa, right?" She asks, having skillfully hidden away whatever brooding feelings which may have briefly darkened her brow. "How was that? Did you meet anyone interesting?" 

    Her eyes meet his, and there is not a shred of guilt there to give her away. 

    — soul as sweet as blood red jam —

    [Image: Warlightpageddoll1.png]
    The next few silent moments seemed like an eternity, planning for the worst. Although, when she speaks she gives the opposite answer than he expected. He released the breath he was unknowingly holding, and a gently smile tugs at his lips. She touches his muzzle with hers briefly, and he pretends just for a moment that there arguement never happened.

    I want my friend back too , she breaks the silence again. He can feel his emotione arising in his chest, and he quickly swallows them down. As much as he tried to pretend he didn't, he did love her, for the sake of there friendship he would pretend he didn't.

    She coughs and he glances over the mare, he knows she has the plague from the last time they spoke. She was thinner than normal, and appeared weeker than she should be. He had recently contracted the plague, though his is not as far progressed as hers.

    He aches for her pain, wishing he could take all of hers away, but he does not have any healing abilities. Warlight... his voice is gently as he presses his maw to her cheek, have you spoken to Velk? Perhaps he can heal you. His mind shifts to the blue stag, who had once healed there wounds from the ferocious bear. He catches her deep with her own concern, but as usual she is strong and quickly tucks away the emotion.

    His gaze finds Warlight's as she mentions Kensa, though as he jumbles her question together it was about the visit to Ischia. He slowly nods his head, he shared one wonderful night with Kensa, but when they returner to the shore she returned to her own lover. Clayton felt the urge to tell her about it, but she wouldn't care anyway.

    Yes, it wasn't bad. He says recalling the blue stag who ruled Ischia. He seemed more interested in Pangea, and he didn't exactly agree to an alliance, but I don't think Ischia will be bothering us. He doesn't recall her visiting another kingdom aside from there visit Taiga so instead he lets his mind wonder to all the free time she had...to spend with Raul.

    His face twisted with disgust and alas a barley cough escapes from his lungs. And as his throat cleared he glanced away from the princess he so dearly cared for, How is your friend settling into the Cove? He asks as a friend of Will, and out of curiosity if he still lingered in there home.

    @[Warlight] <3
    [Image: clayton_by_cowgirlconrad-dcmmo18.png]



    His concern is evident as he presses his muzzle to her cheek. She looks away, ashamed that the sickness had affected her so strongly when it did little to some others. Maybe if she had of been stronger she could have fought it better, hidden her symptoms from everyone...

    Maybe if she hadn't of jumped into the thick of it, painting the blood of the broken seal across her brow like a reckless child.

    "Kota healed me," the antlered girl states with a shrug, content to be distracted from her thoughts "but the healing never lasts long enough." She doesn't mention that Kota had healed her only once, and all the others were from another source.  Each time she felt the touch of healing magic on her skin her body ached for more by the end of the day. 

    A breeze brows across them briefly intertwining the ebony and emerald of their forelocks, and she steps back, returning her midnight eyes to his. The silver light washes over the young stag, painting him monochromatic and metallic. Her interest peaks as his expression shifts ever so slightly at the mention of Kensa and she almost pushes it further. A teasing grin beginning to widen her dry lips, but he eagerly surges ahead in the conversation and she lets it drop. As he talks about diplomacy she thinks it is probably better for the sake of their fragile peace to avoid romance altogether. 

    But Clayton had not come to this same conclusion, she finds out. His once-handsome face contorts with disgust and she can already guess what he is about to say.  

    "I don't know why you hate him so much," she replies, her own features frosting over. She had hoped that this was behind them but if it couldn't be avoided then she would face it head on. "And I'm tired of those looks, so if you want to say something about him you better just say it." Once the words have left her she feels a sense of relief. Attacking the problem head on was far more fulfilling than reading the message behind forlorn glances and dancing around bruised egos. 

    "But he left," she states in response to his original question, "he needed to go find his family, but he'll be back."

    He said he would be back. 

    "Not that you care."

    — soul as sweet as blood red jam —

    @[Clayton] oh kids these days XD
    [Image: Warlightpageddoll1.png]
    He mentions receiving help from her brother Velk, he trusts the young stag, possibly because he had saved them both once before. But she was quick to note that Kota had been healing her, he has never heard of this Kota character, but it was better than Raul.

    She mentions that healing doesn't last long, and his gaze is filled with sorrow. He does not want to see her in pain, anyone in the Cove really, but mainly not her. I wish I could heal you , he says as his gaze drifts. He would give his horns up to heal her, to be gifted healing powers, but alas it was not in his deck of cards.

    He mentions Raul, without using his name, and it was like he pushed the wrong button. Warlight quickly flew to the pale stags defense and he only wonders if she would ever do that for him.  I don't know why you hate him so much the words slip past her lips and his gaze cautiously finds hers. Because I loved you first he thinks to himself, remaining silent as she scolds him.

    She noted if he had something to say, he should say it now, her tone stating her seriousness. He stared at her for a moment before she speaks again, this time she announces he left, noting he went to find his family...but he'd be back. He had to force his lips from creating a smile and instead he remains like a statue.

    Hmm He says, finally breaking the silence. I just don't know why you like him, do you tell him the same thing about me? He isn't very nice when I'm around. He snorts, his fur prickling up as the irriation settles back in. But he forces his fur down, he was here to fix things with Warlight, not make them worse.

    Will... he says her name with a huff I just want our friendship back, but you keep secrets now..I want to help you, but I don't know how. The sorrow fills his eyes again, but this time it is because the history they once shared that no longer exists. It only changed when Raul came around, she does not tell him everything, and he senses the change in his closest friend. Perhaps she would never tell him these secrets, but he will always be here should she.

    @[Warlight] sorry this took so long!
    [Image: clayton_by_cowgirlconrad-dcmmo18.png]


    Soul as sweet as blood red jam

    Clayton grows suddenly cautious as she expresses the frustration she is feeling. He lets the silence stretch and the furrow in her stubborn brow deepens, especially as look changes from that of a scolded colt to something closer to anger. By the time he finally moves to break the silence he is visibly bristling and she braces herself for the worst. 

    I just don't know why you like him, do you tell him the same thing about me? He isn't very nice when I'm around.

    "Well, I do like him whether you understand it or not," Will retorts defensively.  "And I don't have to tell him the same thing about you, he never mentions you with a scowl like that on his face."

    But when he next speaks her nickname his look has already changed again, soft and questioning as he pleads to be able to help her. 

    "I don't need help, Clay." Her reply comes quickly, too quickly she realizes how ridiculous it probably sounds coming from someone who looks like she looks now. But she doesn't backpedal. She wanted Clayton to be her friend, not her hero, and he was the only one complicating the friendship in her eyes. 

    "I still care for you, Clay, it's just hard to have fun with you like we used to when every time we see each other you're attacking me for having another friend." She shakes her head, feeling like they have reached a sort of stalemate. She had already told him she wanted to be friends again too, just a minute ago. Did he want her to swear off ever seeing Raul again? Probably. But she had lived her last three years without worrying if her actions pleased others and she wasn't about to stop now. 

    "Can we just put this behind us?" The antlered girl's tone softness to match his, despite her previous head-on approach. "I like spending time with you. I like spending time with him... and I just don't see why those two things have to be exclusive."

    [Image: Warlightpageddoll1.png]
    Every Story Has Two Sides

    The tension quickly escalated when Clayton had brought up Raul, the bay and green stallion still had lingering feelings for Warlight. It was possibly his hatred to the pale stallion was because he took Will from him....but possibly because Clayton doesn't believe he is good enough for the painted princess.

    Warlight quickly comes to the aid of Raul and it makes Claytons fur prickle in anger, she scolds Clayton, noting that Raul never mentions Clayton so she didn't have similar conversations with the pale stallion. Clayton highly doubts that she is telling the truth in that sense, but he does not delve into it further with her, instead he just huffs a sigh, his heart slowly crushing again as she lashes out at him in anger he has never seen from her.

    He quickly shifted the conversation, hoping to be able to help her as she was clearly suffering from the plague. Again she snaps at him, telling him she didn't need help, the conversation he so desperately wanted with Will seemed to be going in any direction but the one he hoped for.

    Clayton doesn't respond, simply because he does not know what to say at this point. Warlight is quick to break the silence, this time her voice is gentler. She tells him that she still cares for him, but thins are different, that he attacks her for having other friends. His intentions were never to isolate her from others....but purely to love her, to have her as his, but she has made her desires clear. She asks if they can put it all behind them, once again noting that she liked him and Raul.

    It was clear that he could not remove Raul from the picture, if he wanted to keep his best friend in his life he would have to accept the pale stallion as well. Finally he finds the words he has so desperately been looking for, yes. He says almost pleading, thankful that she still wants to be friends with him. I can't say that Raul and I will ever get along, but if he is what you want that I will not mention it anymore... He mutters it nearly, it feels like defeat, but if he wanted any bit of Warlight he would have to step back. He moves to press his body against hers, tilting his antler into hers like old times. I'm sorry I complicated things Will He says overwhelmed with the conversation carried out.

    [Image: clayton_by_cowgirlconrad-dcmmo18.png]


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