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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open quest]  will you fight? or will you perish like a dog?; round III
    The sensation of falling sent Tiasa’s stomach flipping around just like her body. She loses a hold on the kelpie shape at some point, which makes her less flexible but the flailing around of her finned tail had only been making things worse.

    And then there’s a worse moment, where the falling stops but doesn’t quite end. There is no ground between her hooves - she isn’t even entirely sure she’s right-side-up or not she is just suspended in the darkness that does not feel empty. It feels like it is pressing in around her - not very unlike the feeling of being underwater. A tingling sensation descends not just on her skin but inside of her body as well.

    Tiasa snorts at the uncomfortable feeling, as though that will make it go away. It intensifies in response, as though chiding her, before releasing and then she descends more slowly. The darkness eases into a world of silvery light. The air glitters around Tiasa and there is soft, pearlescent grass that moves as though the air is water.

    Or maybe she is underneath the ocean?

    She does not have her fins, though her hair moves around - fanning to display the flowers scattered within.

    It’s peaceful and beautiful and incredibly lonely. And just as this thought passes through her mind they arrive. They’re faceless and yet she can see the smiles, sense the adoration radiating from them as they flock forwards from all directions. Tiasa snorts yet again, dancing nervously on the spot, twisting and attempting to see around the veil of deep black as it impaires her vision. There’s no escape, the faceless horses are coming from all directions.

    There is no way for her to avoid them.

    Panic chokes her and the bright, silvery world she’s found herself in seems to intensify. The sheen on the grass is too garish and the glittery light around her is too bright. It stings her eyes as she tries to keep an eye on the approaching crowd.

    They grow in size as they approach her until her head is level with their chests - and though they pause when they get close to where she stands, it has nothing to do with her. Their excitement and their adoration is for each other - friends and family and lovers greeting each other as if after a long time. The roar of their movements fills the air and enhances the colours even more until the bodies around her are little more than silhouettes against a vibrant background.

    The first touch Tiasa feels since she was a young foal with her mother is a rough knee to her stomach as someone pushes past her to press their featureless head towards another and this is quickly followed by a shoulder slamming into her cheek. As she reels from the injustice and disgust, from the pain that is more than just physical, she has to stagger to keep her hooves beneath her. Rumbling, purr-like noises fill the air and the shimmering light as the large creatures greet each other. More knees and legs knock into Tiasa, over and over her skin gets pummelled as she scrambles to find a way out.

    Everywhere she looks there are bodies and they form a sea that churns around her as she remains utterly insignificant among them. Not even worth a glance, the most precious thing that she had been holding onto - that first touch of someone special - taken without care.

    All of her senses are overwhelmed. The stench of them floods her flared nostrils and each ragged breath brings in a sickly taste to her mouth.

    It is only when that taste turns sharp and coppery that she realizes she’s bleeding. That the constant pushing and kicking has damaged something inside of her.

    Tiasa falls and the chaos doesn’t even pause for a moment. Instead of being kicked, she is trampled until there is no part of her left unharmed, untouched.

    Her vision begins to go spotty and fade in and out, and there is bliss in that change but it’s the only one she gets.

    The pain is intense and agonizing and it stretches out. Now that she is down and thoroughly trampled, no other blows come. Not even the pearl grass brushes against her side - there is a barrier between her and the entire world. In between long, dark blinks she watches as the shadowy figures move around her with ease.

    All it would take was one well-placed blow to end her agony and she suffers under the weight of the desire for any of them to touch her again and knowing they won’t.

    It feels like it takes eons for her to bleed out and she is acutely aware of every single second.

    Darkness wraps around her again for one blissful second before she is back on the mountain. It takes her eyes a few long blinks to adjust to this light - less intense than that silvery world below but still bright compared to that too-brief moment in peaceful death. Her breathing and heart rate both feel sluggish before they too kick in and she shakes while standing on her perfectly-fine legs, feeling not so much as a bruise along her teal body.

    Confusion is understandable and it seems to be the only thing she is capable of feeling at this moment as her bright eyes try to focus.


    Traits to scramble:
    - nereid mimicry
    - kelpie shifting
    - wings (carried)

    0 space trait:

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: will you fight? or will you perish like a dog?; round III - by Tiasa - 11-23-2021, 09:41 PM

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