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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  as if a glass could contain the sea
    The springtime sun is bright and brilliant as it shines down upon Ischia, a cloudless blue sky accompanying the warm rays. The waters of the ocean are calm as the crystal clear waves gently lap against the pristine white sand, the tide slowly ebbing away and revealing many shallow tidepools dotting the shoreline. In the bordering jungle, gentle squawks of paradise birds echoing through the canopy. Amongst the glittering sand and softly swaying palm trees, a young girl is standing perfectly still inside one of these pools, her pale blue nose so near to the water that her shivering breath causes ripples across the otherwise still water.

    Silvered fish trapped within the now luke-warm water nibble gently at her fetlocks, tiny little minnows whose scales glitter in the sun with each twist and turn. But it is not the fish that has drawn the winged girl to this particular tide pool - her steel grey eyes are focused on the jeweled hermit crab that shuffles quietly beneath her gaze. The crab’s shell reflects a bold ruby red in her eyes, its shell glittering and beautiful in the sun. She has seen these creatures before, but none with such a beautiful shell and Ciroc has become enraptured. She had been studying it for nearly an hour now, following it and trying not to lose track of it, wanting to find more. She wanted to find a blue one to show her sister.

    A loud splash draws her attention and Ciroc lifts her head swiftly, the light blue blaze paling in comparison to the deep cerulean of the rest of her face. She snorts softly, narrowing her eyes as she peers out across the line of the horizon. Her sister had mentioned mermaids that live in the reefs, ones with lovely songs and beautiful faces but with sharp, menacing teeth. Ciroc presses her lips together firmly, wondering if there was any truth in her sister’s story or if Sundari only meant to tease her. The winged girl’s face turns thoughtful and then she gasps, remembering the ruby red hermit crab she had been following.

    When she glances down it is gone from where it had been and with a whirlwind of movement, Ciroc searches the pale sand for the jewel-encrusted crab. When the glinting of scarlet catches her eyes lengths away, she gathers her legs beneath her and leaps from one tide pool to the next, splashing loudly through each one until she is caught up with the crab, her pale blue nose nearly touching its beautiful shell as it scrabbles across the sand with quickly shuffling feet.

    c i r o c

    open to any! 
    and also @Sundari ? <3

    Messages In This Thread
    as if a glass could contain the sea - by Ciroc - 09-19-2021, 01:02 PM

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