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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I've seen monsters chasing dreams; Chasity


    This world has changed irrevocably. There are bright and beautiful things here, things that make her smile, but  it is not her world anymore. Already once she has grown old and died, having lived a long (though not peaceful) life beforehand. Now she wonders how long she will be tethered to the new Beqanna; the new magic in her veins she suspects will keep her alive for as long as she wants, but the grulla mare isn’t sure how long she wants that to be.

    It won’t be an extraordinarily short time – she has created children in this brave new world, and she will not abandon them before they are grown to their adulthoods. Today she’s left them with their father, and gone a-wandering. There are a few places which have not changed over the decades she was dead, and she takes comfort in them. The Meadow wasn’t a fun place in the winter, but now that spring has taken the world firmly in her grip, it’s pleasant enough to roam the tall grasses.

    The first time, her eyes skip over the other mare without pause. She walks by at a distance, her mind a million miles away, but something tugs at her heart. The grulla mare turns around, brown eyes scanning the sparsely scattered crowd, and settle after a moment on the gray mare she’d walked by before. Her heart is pounding before she steps forward, because that is not a face she could ever forget. It doesn’t make sense – Chasity should have been dead these many years as well – but she would not be the only one to have crossed the border from death to life. Many had crossed when the barriers fell; just because it has been a year and Nikkai had not encountered a loved one doesn’t mean she never would.

    “Chasity?” she almost stumbles in her hurry to approach, but slows at the last second, pulling up a few feet from her friend. What if she’s wrong? What if she’s crazy?

    A lifetime passes in a moment, a million memories, and a rush of sincere affection that has to show in even the temperamental Nikkai’s face. Chasity was a friend – and one of the Queens that Nikkai had served faithfully. The Queen who had taken her prickly and hot tempered General and left her in charge of a Kingdom. It had changed her life (made her a better person), but it had never seemed worth actually losing the friends who had come and gone before her.

    She isn’t sure what else to say, really. Where does one even begin, after all this time?



    Messages In This Thread
    I've seen monsters chasing dreams; Chasity - by Nikkai - 03-23-2020, 10:07 PM

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