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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    You know I'm a wild sea // Alcinder
    The hug was a long one, each boy taking from it borrowed strength and courage. When Alcinder pulled away at last, his oceanic friend breathed a feather-light sigh at the sudden cold filling the spaces where they'd pressed together. 

    It was never going to be easy to say goodbye. He knew that, but it didn't lessen the ache of the words. Who knew, really, when they'd meet again. When the words catch in the feathered colt's mouth, they make Cormorant's mouth tighten miserably. He nodded though, smiling weakly when Al picked up again in a different vein. Maybe, despite everything, phony confidence would get them through. 

    "Yeah," he nodded, smiling wider as he did. "Yeah, of course! It won't be long, you'll see." He whistled a cheery note to emphasize the optimistic words, the absolute certainty that things had to go back to normal soon, because what else could they do? The colts had not been around long enough to know not to ask "what else can go wrong?". 

    His sea glass eyes went a little distant when he realized that he would have to go exploring when he got back to Ischia. How old had he been on the journey to Loess, one moon? Two? Still very much attached to his mother's side, until adventure had drawn him away at last. Now, almost a year old and beginning to grow into himself, the sea child realized that he knew very little of what was meant to be home. That he was far more familiar with the hide outs and hidden treasures of the stoney Loess than with island Ischia. A queer feeling twisted his stomach at the realization. 

    Home. Was he really going home? Or just to mom's home. The rocky, wild coast of Loess, the steaming springs and icy snow-melt streams were all more familiar to him. The blue on blue boy standing in front of him was more real than the blurred memories of sand and greenery that momma was so keen to return to. It struck him hard how very unfair it all was. 


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    RE: You know I'm a wild sea // Alcinder - by Cormorant - 03-23-2020, 05:23 PM

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