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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [open quest]  día de muertos - round 3
    <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=IM+Fell+French+Canon+SC' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
    <style type="text/css">.rhylion_container{position:relative;z-index:1;width:550px;padding:0 15px;background:#030013;font:12px 'Times New Roman', serif;box-shadow:0 0 10px #030013;}.rhylion_border{position:absolute;z-index:5;width:10px;height:100%;background:#985470;}.rhylion_right{right:15px;}.rhylion_left{left:15px;}.rhylion_container p{margin:0;}.rhylion_container img{width:550px;}.rhylion_message{text-align:justify;padding:15px 25px;color:#D5C9E3;}.rhylion_quote{text-align:center;color:#985470;font:14px 'IM Fell French Canon SC', serif;padding:8px 0px 0px 0px;letter-spacing:2px;}.rhylion_name{position:absolute;z-index:10;width:550px;text-align:center;color:#FDAE73;font-style:italic;letter-spacing:6px;font-size:26px;}.rhylion_parents{position:absolute;z-index:8;width:550px;bottom:330px;text-align:center;color:#985470;font-family:'IM Fell French Canon SC', serif;letter-spacing:1px}</style><center><div class="rhylion_container"><div class="rhylion_border rhylion_left"></div><div class="rhylion_border rhylion_right"></div><div class="rhylion_quote"><p>and when i breathed</p><p>my breath was lightning</p></div><p class="rhylion_message">She remembers what it is like to step into the afterlife as a living thing, though she had gotten there by a far less direct route than they. The world had been gray and empty and lifeless. Her parents, when they found her (for she had not been there to look for them, not even knowing they were gone), were insubstantial, something ghostly and other. When she’d come back as a shifter, the afterlife was the same. When she came back in death, everything had changed. It was a vibrant jungle of her own that gave way to quiet meadows where she found her parents. The scars that riddled her father’s back were still there, though here he had the power to will them away. He kept them because they were scars from her, which she found both silly and wonderful given that they had all the time in the world together now.

    When she wasn’t doing anything though, life in the afterlife simply ceased to exist. She found that long stretches of time were filled with blackness, as if timed skipped the parts that she didn’t much care about. It was an easy existence, one vastly preferential to coming back and living, to the pain of a life long since over. She has never understood the desire to be immortal, though occasionally, she understood the desire to come back even if it was not her own.

    They disappear into the afterlife and she cannot tell what their experiences are. Only the thinnest tethers of magic keep her tied to them, aware that they are here, somewhere, but nothing more. Even if she could know more, she would not want to. These moments are personal and short, and she does not want to take away what privacy she can give.

    When they have all finally found their loved ones, when they have had a few heartbeats of time together, her voice comes through the magic. It is a distant thing now, but they should hear if they are listening. <font color=#985470> “It is easier to get in than it is to get out. To complete the ritual, you must escape the afterlife. You cannot return through the rift, but you must break through the gates of death themselves. To crack them is to leave the barrier between worlds open just enough for the ritual to work in the future. Your loved one will know the way - all the dead do. Find the gatekeeper and figure out how to escape. You may be able to take your loved one with you, though I can make no promises. Certainly, you can try.”</font>

    The tethers of magic that tie her to them disappear, and she can only hope it is enough, can only hope that she has not led them on a fool's errand. That was never her goal, never her intention. Though her intentions were selfish, if nothing else, they would benefit more than just her.
    </p><p class="rhylion_name">rhy</p><p class="rhylion_parents">the electric lioness of riagan and rayelle</p><img src="https://k.nickpic.host/BkXyGY.jpg"></div></center>

    @[Ruinam] for not replying you have been cursed with bats that follow you around squeaking constantly for the next RL month (ends Nov 30)

    For this round you must find the gates of death and meet the guardian. You can make up any details you like about how the doors work, what the guardian is like, etc. Please powerplay the guardian and end your round by escaping the afterlife. You may have your loved one try to escape with you. You’ll end up back on the beach at the end of your round. 

    <b>Posts are due by Sunday, November 3 at 9am ET.</b>

    Messages In This Thread
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    RE: día de muertos - round 3 - by Saphris - 11-02-2019, 06:40 PM

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