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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Search Results
    Post Author Forum Replies Views Posted [asc]
        Thread: Because everyone needs something to live for -x
    Post: Because everyone needs something to live for -x

    Sire Name: Osiriis Gender: Stallion Breed: Thoroughbred Hybrid Traits/defects:  Color: Black with vermillion ombré coat, mane, and tail Color Genetic Code (if known): Ee/aa Trait Genetic Code (if know...
    Endellion1992 Breeding Archives 1 1,129 04-22-2021, 01:27 PM
        Thread: Happy holidays!
    Post: RE: Happy holidays!

    9 please
    Endellion1992 Mountain Archives 40 17,304 12-28-2020, 09:29 PM
        Thread: Because they're cute -x
    Post: RE: Because they're cute -x

    Thank you!
    Endellion1992 Breeding Archives 5 3,438 07-22-2020, 10:28 PM
        Thread: I can't resist -x
    Post: RE: I can't resist

    Can the glowing be any color? And can she have white stripe markings like skeleton ghoul? [hr] And can I do the reverse buckskin, black body and brown buckskin markings with brown mane and tail? Or w....
    Endellion1992 Breeding Archives 4 2,500 06-23-2020, 02:17 AM
        Thread: I can't resist -x
    Post: RE: I can't resist

    Skeleton Ghouls teg is TEGteg[-SHARP TEETH-][-IMMORTALITY-] , sorry!
    Endellion1992 Breeding Archives 4 2,500 06-22-2020, 01:52 PM
        Thread: I can't resist -x
    Post: I can't resist -x

    Sire Name: Skeleton Ghoul Gender: Male Breed: Percheron/Shire Hybrid Traits/defects: Sharp Teeth, Immortality Color: black Color Genetic Code (if known): EE/aa Trait Genetic Code (if known): Teg...
    Endellion1992 Breeding Archives 4 2,500 06-22-2020, 12:02 PM
        Thread: Because they're cute -x
    Post: RE: Because they're cute

    For Cordillia I'd like to make charmspeak nongenetic. Thanks (:
    Endellion1992 Breeding Archives 5 3,438 06-22-2020, 01:15 AM
        Thread: Because they're cute -x
    Post: Because they're cute -x

    Sire Name:Toivo Gender:male Breed:Aztec (over 75% andalusian) Traits/defects:tegteg [SUNSHINE WINGS][PEACE INDUCTION][SELF HEALING][charmspeak][ethereal appearance] Color:Perlino sabino Color Ge...
    Endellion1992 Breeding Archives 5 3,438 06-19-2020, 11:40 PM
        Thread: Permission to twins it up?
    Post: Permission to twins it up?

    I would like to have twins for Oectra and Toivo, please! Both would be played by me. I want to keep Oectra's twinning going into next gen.
    Endellion1992 Public Approvals 0 1,729 06-19-2020, 02:08 PM
        Thread: My baby makers
    Post: RE: My baby makers

    Can I use Toivo with Oectra? Very open to doing twins!
    Endellion1992 Breeding Ads 10 6,399 06-14-2020, 08:59 AM
        Thread: Boys for June
    Post: Boys for June

    Jakub Thoroughbred  Black TEGteg [-EQUUS TAURUS-] Need a couple threads at least, would be involved with kid if mom wants. Olver Hybrid Red Dun  (ee/aa/Dd) with moss green mane and tail tegt...
    Endellion1992 Breeding Ads 0 1,225 06-14-2020, 12:49 AM
        Thread: New Trait
    Post: New Trait

    Hey. I am wondering if the following would be acceptable to quest for. (: Tannin Mimicry appearance: scales, claws, wing manifestation, serpent body traits could include: fire breath, water br...
    Endellion1992 Public Approvals 1 2,188 05-26-2020, 07:26 PM
        Thread: [OPEN] available
    Post: [OPEN] available

    Adisa (https://beqanna.com/forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=3181) sire: Flamebrand dam: Nimue Isolde Age: 4 (Sep. '19) Color: Chestnut; will gray ((ee/aa/Gg)) Teg:  tegteg [WINGS][phoenix-type immo...
    Endellion1992 PMP 0 1,875 05-17-2020, 04:56 PM
        Thread: 1 Stallion looking for 1 mare
    Post: RE: 1 Stallion looking for 1 mare

    I mean.. he can always try to get Felicitey (Oectra's mom) to settle down.. it would be entertaining.
    Endellion1992 Plots 9 4,555 05-07-2020, 06:07 PM
        Thread: things
    Post: RE: things

    any of yours to any of mine.. please? (: I have: Felicitey (5) - she's sarcastic, opinionated, bold, beautiful.. nice or rude-ish depending on how you rub her. Owin (4)- quiet, intelligent, a gr...
    Endellion1992 Plots 16 6,699 04-28-2020, 06:47 PM
        Thread: Bleh
    Post: Bleh

    Should of posted this awhile ago but with coaching large group speech, individual speech, and directing the play all of which are overlapping each other this year I'll be slow till beginning of May.  ...
    Endellion1992 Away 0 1,310 02-13-2020, 10:38 PM
        Thread: Drama llamas please
    Post: RE: Drama llamas please

    Last time he made an appearance he was in the meadow, but he could be where ever you prefer him. ?
    Endellion1992 Plots 18 7,001 01-07-2020, 11:49 AM
        Thread: Drama llamas please
    Post: RE: Drama llamas please

    Umm. Persea and Olver... (:
    Endellion1992 Plots 18 7,001 01-06-2020, 09:37 PM
        Thread: Thread with Set?
    Post: RE: Thread with Set?

    I have Felicitey. Shes a lion shifter with vision sharing in one eyes. Shes not violent but very pretty and is pretty sarcastic. Needs a break from her new twins lol. She also hasn't learned her lesso...
    Endellion1992 Plots 10 4,620 12-19-2019, 08:21 PM
        Thread: Happy Holidays! [Now with results!]
    Post: RE: Happy Holidays!

    Present 5 please (:
    Endellion1992 Mountain Archives 46 24,756 12-18-2019, 08:34 PM