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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Search Results
    Post Author Forum Replies Views Posted [asc]
        Thread: Back
    Post: RE: Away

    I return! With some changes. All previous threads have been dropped with a few notable exceptions:  Gilgamesh with @[Leilan] Skeleton Ghoul with @[Nashua] Provided these people still want to write w...
    Nautilus Away 1 1,465 06-29-2020, 06:16 PM
        Thread: Back
    Post: Back

    Taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back. If you need me feel free to message me on discord: thesoundlessvoid #2763 back as of AM June 30
    Nautilus Away 1 1,465 06-26-2020, 12:28 AM
        Thread: I died for this what
    Post: RE: I died for this what

    Nautilus Breeding 4 2,446 06-25-2020, 09:27 AM
        Thread: Wards/trainees!
    Post: RE: Wards/trainees!

    Kulin is in if this thread we're having is any indicator XD
    Nautilus Plots 1 1,560 06-24-2020, 07:46 AM
        Thread: I died for this what
    Post: RE: I died for this what

    Blackwater kelpie mimic traits: Scales, long mouth, sharp teeth.
    Nautilus Breeding 4 2,446 06-22-2020, 12:54 PM
        Thread: last one -x
    Post: last one -x

    both used with Khazie's permission! Name: Ivar Gender: Male Breed: Mustang Hyrid Traits/defects: Equus Kelpus Color: Sapphire blue tobiano with golden dun markings and gold edging to white tobi...
    Nautilus Breeding Archives 1 1,387 06-22-2020, 12:35 PM
        Thread: last chance for ivar babies
    Post: RE: last chance for ivar babies

    Can I use Ivar and Oreana?
    Nautilus Breeding Ads 2 1,877 06-21-2020, 11:22 AM
        Thread: Worst mom ever
    Post: RE: Worst mom ever

    Yeah nope he rather needs his head
    Nautilus Breeding Ads 4 2,674 06-18-2020, 01:54 PM
        Thread: twinses precious?
    Post: RE: twinses precious?

    got with nilla and I misunderstood! So sorry
    Nautilus Public Approvals 2 2,315 06-18-2020, 11:02 AM
        Thread: Worst mom ever
    Post: RE: Worst mom ever

    Considering this for Skel... who is immortal, and would rescue his baby if she tried to kill it and take it back to Taiga to raise. Thoughts?
    Nautilus Breeding Ads 4 2,674 06-18-2020, 07:44 AM
        Thread: twinses precious?
    Post: twinses precious?

    Can I request twinsies for our Nilam x Skyefall breeding this year? I'm pretty sure Vanilla potentially wanted a bebe from this pairing
    Nautilus Public Approvals 2 2,315 06-18-2020, 07:42 AM
        Thread: sperm donors (June)
    Post: RE: sperm donors (June)

    bump for june
    Nautilus Breeding Ads 1 1,849 06-17-2020, 08:06 AM
        Thread: Looking for some mocks, or tournament maybe
    Post: RE: Looking for some mocks, or tournament maybe

    @[Vanilla Custard] Planning on replying tomorrow! Work has been brutal
    Nautilus Plots 7 4,304 06-16-2020, 04:07 PM
        Thread: My baby makers
    Post: RE: My baby makers

    Can I nab Nilam? She can eat Skyefall
    Nautilus Breeding Ads 10 6,399 06-14-2020, 07:03 AM
        Thread: Want baby? Got Daddy?
    Post: RE: Want baby? Got Daddy?

    ....raises hand mmmmmmaybe Skel?
    Nautilus Breeding Ads 2 2,059 06-07-2020, 02:16 PM
        Thread: so...
    Post: RE: so...

    @[kristin] I am not going to be able to post until later on Tuesday I don't think, but if you don't get one up by then I'll gladly do so!
    Nautilus Plots 16 6,218 05-31-2020, 06:13 PM
        Thread: so...
    Post: RE: so...

    Nautilus Plots 16 6,218 05-30-2020, 12:28 PM
        Thread: 1 Stallion looking for 1 mare
    Post: RE: 1 Stallion looking for 1 mare

    He likes feisty 8D
    Nautilus Plots 9 4,555 05-18-2020, 12:05 PM
        Thread: 1 Stallion looking for 1 mare
    Post: RE: 1 Stallion looking for 1 mare

    Casual bump
    Nautilus Plots 9 4,555 05-18-2020, 10:34 AM
        Thread: ISO; kelpie
    Post: ISO; kelpie

    Allo! So I got a pretty freaking neat kelpie design LINKED HERE FOR YON VIEWING PLEASURE (https://i.imgur.com/61Vk2bO.jpg) and I was wondering if anyone had any equus kelpus characters closeted tha...
    Nautilus PMP 0 2,089 05-15-2020, 10:40 AM