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    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Search Results
    Post Author Forum Replies Views Posted [asc]
        Thread: tewnty-one; to do list
    Post: RE: tewnty-one; to do list

    Haha! Yes, you may. I don't mind doing both. I need a little practice to get the swing of writing again. :P
    Shelbi To-Do Lists 5 2,876 09-07-2021, 12:58 AM
        Thread: i'm not even mad anymore; all residents
    Post: RE: i'm not even mad anymore; all residents

    Divest is here and probably will regret it later. Plus, I miss being part of the Tephra family.
    Shelbi Tephra 7 2,866 09-07-2021, 12:48 AM
        Thread: tewnty-one; to do list
    Post: RE: tewnty-one; to do list

    Yess!! Right now I just have Divest and Falter, but I could possibly pull another out if I'm feeling it :D So, after some browsing I have a couple of possibilites: Astrophel and Ciri - Astrophel has ...
    Shelbi To-Do Lists 5 2,876 09-07-2021, 12:40 AM
        Thread: tewnty-one; to do list
    Post: tewnty-one; to do list

    If I am missing a post or you would like to post let me know! :) Astrophel; [x] Ciri; Meadow (https://beqanna.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=30233) Divest; [x] Firion; River (https://beqanna.com/forum...
    Shelbi To-Do Lists 5 2,876 09-06-2021, 03:53 PM
        Thread: drogo | fantasy | gaia | joffrey | rhaegar
    Post: RE: drogo | fantasy | gaia | joffrey | rhaegar

    Shelbi Name Reservations 2 4,090 08-23-2021, 08:33 PM
        Thread: Taking a break
    Post: Taking a break

    For a while now I haven't really felt inspired to write and sort of been forcing myself to get posts done. It hasn't made writing very enjoyable these last couples of months. Until further notice, I w...
    Shelbi Away 0 1,666 04-21-2020, 05:16 PM
        Thread: spark my muse
    Post: spark my muse

    I need something to spark my muse and get my ponies out to meet new faces. All my ponies are basically up for making friends, possible love interests, drama that is good or even traumatizing! Astrop...
    Shelbi Plots 5 3,688 03-19-2020, 05:59 PM
        Thread: he may be a bumpy ride but he makes it work -x
    Post: RE: he may be a bumpy ride but he makes it work

    Thank you as well! :) Just curious, what would Wendigo mimicry be like? I assume it would perhaps be like 3 characteristics of Wendigo itself over in this thread (https://beqanna.com/forum/showthread....
    Shelbi Breeding 3 2,937 02-24-2020, 12:01 PM
        Thread: Activity check
    Post: RE: Activity check

    Divest is here and can be in diplomacy.
    Shelbi Islandres 3 3,225 01-13-2020, 11:50 AM
        Thread: Activity Check: ends Jan 31
    Post: RE: Activity Check: Jan 11/2020

    Astrophel will be joining eventually so he can be a resident :)
    Shelbi Tephra 15 10,342 01-11-2020, 11:23 AM
      Star Thread: twenty-twenty to do list
    Post: twenty-twenty to do list

    If I am missing a post or you would like to post let me know! :) Aeolus; [x] Tasi; Ischia (http://beqanna.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=25211) Astrophel; [x] None Divest; [x] Vita; Island Resort (ht...
    Shelbi To-Do Lists 0 2,312 01-05-2020, 01:42 PM
        Thread: Happy Holidays! [Now with results!]
    Post: RE: Happy Holidays!

    I'll open up present 9, please. Happy holidays
    Shelbi Mountain Archives 46 24,756 12-18-2019, 10:39 AM
        Thread: OOC check!
    Post: RE: OOC check!

    Divest is here :) She can be put under diplomat stuff. She will be 2 in the spring time!
    Shelbi Islandres 3 3,276 11-09-2019, 11:24 AM
        Thread: On death row -x
    Post: RE: On death row

    As for my foal's coloring (Sinner x Valdis colt), I would like to request something between these two colors: https://df2sm3urulav.cloudfront.net/tenants/gr/uploads/images/605000-609999/605024/58f9...
    Shelbi Breeding 5 3,374 10-19-2019, 04:08 PM
        Thread: some things
    Post: RE: some things

    @[Squirt] Anywhere is fine really! @[Nicole] Ooo yes! They should. My muse for him is pretty low, but I think they should at least see each other
    Shelbi Plots 10 5,464 09-20-2019, 10:49 AM
        Thread: some things
    Post: RE: some things

    @[Endellion1992] Ooo! Yes! I'd love for her to come to Taiga! I'll get a post up in the adoption den :) @[phaetra] UM YES! We need to change that! Elio sounds perfect for Loire to meet! Would you li...
    Shelbi Plots 10 5,464 09-20-2019, 08:29 AM
        Thread: some things
    Post: some things

    Just looking for some ideas and fun things for my two new girls. Orion I love Orion very much and her abilities. It's the first time I'm actually interested in playing outside of Lion's lines haha...
    Shelbi Plots 10 5,464 09-19-2019, 07:43 PM
        Thread: Shopping for Ships
    Post: RE: Shopping for Ships

    Perhaps Drache and Divest? She's pretty in your face, has high confidence, but is dedicated and loyal if you become a friend or something. She probably would hassle Drache a lot about not speaking and...
    Shelbi Plots 12 6,098 09-07-2019, 12:53 AM
        Thread: Smother
    Post: RE: Smother

    JET! I'd love me some Kindling grand babies
    Shelbi Plots 4 2,908 08-27-2019, 04:44 PM
        Thread: whelp, here i am again -x
    Post: RE: whelp, here i am again

    That is correct. dragon vision would be carried and invisibility would be non-genetic. Thanks
    Shelbi Breeding 4 3,674 08-26-2019, 10:05 AM