the sandcastle virtues are all swept away; megz pony - Printable Version

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the sandcastle virtues are all swept away; megz pony - rapt - 07-26-2016


Promises spilled from his broken lips, promises like I’ll be so good and like anything, for you, anything. They were all given to a monster who both craved and despised Rapt’s needy praises, but they were given nonetheless because it’s all Rapt knows – how to give to monsters.
He’s not a particularly smart boy, even as he grows – with age comes wisdom, they say, but he still seems to lack such things. His mind is still filled with the monster he’s known.
He’s left, though, so Rapt walks alone. He’s colored pale gold, a mane like cornsilk replacing what was once a foal’s scruff. He’s filed out, too, losing the scrawniness of youth and filling in. He’s almost handsome, really. He lacks the scars of his parents, the skin unblemished even if the mind is not.
He’s lonely, now, missing the monster, the man who pulled him close, who drew out such breathy promises. He remembers how his heart had beat like he was on a racetrack.
(Fear is a hair’s breadth from desire.)
He’s lonely, and he’s a beacon – his stupidity and eagerness calling out to predator’s baser instincts.
He’s lonely, and he’s a beacon – a thing shining gold, moving like waves through the grass.

the enormity of my desire disgusts me

full disclosure this post has been used before but never replied to D:

RE: the sandcastle virtues are all swept away; megz pony - Furia - 07-28-2016

For someone who didn't seem to wander as much as her sisters, she found herself out and about more than she probably should be. Eventually our Dads were going to figure it out or wander out this time or another and find one of us. Although perhaps one of them was lingering behind me even now waiting to make sure all was well. In whatever case it was, should I really be alone and on my own, my long legs and fluffy body were well equipped to handle the cold.

I hopped over a fallen branch, with mounds of snow on it. I am careful to not slip and fall. It would hurt and I could possibly bleed and then I would have to think of an excuse as to why I was bleeding. No, let's not do that.

So I'm careful, especially now with winter on it's way out.

He's like a beacon against the snow, all bright and sunshine. But a little darker, like the rays that fall towards nightfall. A little darker, not as bright. I pause and tilt my head to the side a little bit like Tycho before I step closer to him. "Why do you look so sad?"

The sadness and loneliness in his eyes is something that makes my heart hurt for him. I hope I never felt like that, but if I did, I hope a stranger would ask me too. Or someone would. So just maybe I could talk if I wanted to. I step closer, my nose stretching out to huff softly into his. I was a tad more cautious with him, waiting for him to close the distance and my body ready to flee if I needed to. "My name is Fury. What is yours?"

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.

RE: the sandcastle virtues are all swept away; megz pony - rapt - 07-29-2016


With every movement he hopes it will be the monster, returned to take him back, to praise him. But it never is. This time, it’s a girl, splotched red and white, and he eyes her. She’s younger than him (strange – he still feels like a child, lost, but he grows and fills, turning a rich gold).
He doesn’t know how to answer her question, how to precisely articulate why he’s sad, how to say that there was a monster, and he was going to remake me.
(He remembers the thrill of fear in his heart, curling like smoke.)

“I’m missing someone,” he what he says instead, “he was my friend, and he left me.”
(Friend is a funny word for it.)
He forces a smile, a tense pull of the lips that isn’t much. But she is kind.
“Hello, Fury. I’m Rapt,” he says, then, concern edging into his voice, “what are you doing out here alone?”


the enormity of my desire disgusts me

ahhh im sorry this is so bad