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hey thar - Prism - 07-17-2016

So my latest mission is to make it MORE fun and even MORE rewarding to have your character in a herd these days. We all know the fun and wonderful perks of having your character in a Kingdom, so i'm thinking why not have a little variety and make it just as much fun in a herd? It's certainly fun now just with the normal challenges of everyday herd-life, but we can always have more more more ^^

So before i begin planning and plotting with Volcanic Village i'd like to poke around for some info real quick. I'd like to know where the limits are and just what kind of shenanigans we can come up with <3

1. Is NPC (non-player character) involvement ok? I'm thinking something along the lines of predators, but I'd love to see if maybe more interesting things like trolls, elves, magical traps etc. are at all possible. But for simplicity, I am only asking for *common, non-magical* NPC's are allowed.

2. I'd love to incorporate an in-character "reward" system, but I'm not sure if such a thing would be allowed. It would require allowing small trinkets like an earring or a shiny bead in one's mane to be awarded to those who have achieved certain things in the herd. This would be limited, definitely, and would require much plotting and story-line making <3 It would make "competitions" among herd members more fun, for sure, and perhaps boost activity/muse. It could also help interaction between herds, perhaps multi-herd 'games' or competitions.

3. Would it be okay if Chemdog and his herd discover a bit of ruins somewhere in VV? Nothing major, just some fallen down stone structures...maybe some painted walls or something.

4. I had this idea that maybe once every summer or spring a surprise pops up in an active territory (at least three active threads or something) - something small and not really helpful, but interesting. Examples: an ever blooming flower that's always fragrant, never wilts; a crystal that glows bright when it's dark; feathers, beads, gems, shinies in general; jewelry - basically pointless cutes (or uglies) to give away, crush, set on fire, swallow, whatever you want. I can see this being silly, but i can also see it being interesting for interactions and such what not. This was a random idea, feel free to ignore it, but it popped into my brain when i was pondering things to do when you play a herd stallion xD

5. May i write the flora and fauna in VV or in BQ in general, to be in 'fantasy' form? Like giant plants, or odd creatures running about. Mythical type landscapes, animals and dangers. This sort of ties into the NPC too - if magical things like harpies, trolls, carnivorous plants etc. are running around then dangers will be a little easier to come up with c;

6. Last one - are there any humanoid types in Beqanna? Not really to directly interact with, but more so referring to what they would destroy, leave behind, create etc. I would assume anything human-like around would be avoided by most, but i was curious if it would be possible to run into such a thing in Beqanna.


sorry for how long that was, i've been saving up some questions.
thanks for reading it and im sorry if i babbbled xD

typos are probably everywhere, so sorry

RE: hey thar - Cassi - 07-17-2016

1. anything naturally occurring is fine by me - so predators, a storm, etc. anything magical needs permission.

2. this is a cool maybe I'm not comfortable ruling on alone after several mixed drinks SO maybe add it to the google doc kahzie posted awhile back?

3. ruins are fine by me

4. same answer as 2 -- cool idea but one I'm not comfortable ruling on alone. add to the google doc!

5. only things that might occur in nature - so giant plants okay within reason (e.g. redwoods), but no mythical creatures or anything without permission

6. technically a very long time ago there was a human aspect of BQ so it wouldn't be unheard of, but it was a stable like thing, not, like. mayan ruins...

RE: hey thar - Prism - 07-17-2016


i'm perfectly fine with waiting for the rest c;
thanks much!

just so i have future reference, do i ask for permission for shtuffs on here or through email..which is best?

RE: hey thar - Cassi - 07-18-2016

email or PM an owner Smile

RE: hey thar - Prism - 07-23-2016

alrighty thanks my dear <3